Classes at Northwestern
- PHYS 450 Special Topics: Quantum Computation (Spring 2021)
- PHYS 412-1 Quantum Mechanics I (Fall 2020)
- PHYS 239 Foundations of Modern Physics (Spring 2020)
- PHYS 311-2 Mathematical Methods for Physical Sciences II (Winter 2020)
- PHYS 311-1 Mathematical Methods for Physical Sciences I (Fall 2019)
- PHYS 450 Special Topics: Quantum Computation (Spring 2019)
- PHYS 239 Foundations of Modern Physics (Spring 2018)
- PHYS 135-2 General Physics II (Winter 2018)
- PHYS 135-1 General Physics I (Fall 2017)
- PHYS 239 Foundations of Modern Physics (Fall 2017)
- PHYS 211-1 Mathematical Methods for Physical Sciences I (Fall 2016)
- PHYS 135-2 General Physics II (Winter 2016)
- PHYS 135-3 General Physics III (Spring 2015, Spring 2014, Spring 2013)
- PHYS 422-1,2 Condensed Matter Physics II (Winter 2014, Fall 2014)
- PHYS 450 Theory of Open Quantum Systems (Winter 2013) [lecture notes: part 1, part 2; Mathematica Notebooks (zip)]
- PHYS 333-2 Advanced Electricity and Magnetism (Spring 2012, Spring 2011)
- PHYS 333-1 Advanced Electricity and Magnetism (Winter 2012, Winter 2011)