Gaining Experience in Finance with Wind Point Partners

Name: Christopher Tsai Year: Sophomore Major: Mechanical Engineering Minor: Entrepreneurship CFS Program: Business Field Studies Employer: Wind Point Partners I am currently working in Wind Point Partners, a middle market private equity firm that has been around since 1984. I had never been exposed to anything finance before so it has been a very interesting learning experience for me. As a…

Making Trails at Superfly

Name: Tommy Year: Sophomore Majors: Communication Studies, Computer Science CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities Employer: Superfly I was incredibly excited when I received the offer to be Superfly’s very-first Technology Intern; as an avid music festival attendee, I knew it would be a valuable work experience (and a good time!) to work with the minds behind some of…

Christian Interns at Catholic Film Production Company

Name: Christian Year: Sophomore Major(s): Journalism Minor(s): Business Institutions CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities Employer: Spirit Juice Studios I write this post from my car (parked, of course) after completing my fourth exciting and enriching week interning for Spirit Juice Studios, a top Catholic film production company and an absolute dream internship for me. In complete honesty, the realization…

Moling interns with NextGen Growth Partners

Name: Moling Year: Sophomore Major(s): Mathematical Methods in Social Sciences Minor(s): Mathematics, Computer Science CFS Program: Business Field Studies I really enjoyed the summer with CFS. I took the CFS Humanities class and read a lot about the evolution of modern labor. During the class time, I interned at NextGen Growth Partners, a private equity company.  We were each…

Victoria interns at Kinzie Capital Partners

Name: Victoria Year: Sophomore Major(s): Economics, Political Science, International Studies CFS Program: Business Field Studies My internship experience at Kinzie Capital Partners, a start-up private equity firm in Chicago, has thoroughly exceeded my expectations. Coming from a social science background, I was very anxious to start learning the practical basics of business in the real world. CFS helped…

Alex interns at Bullish, Inc.

Name: Alex Year: Sophomore Major(s): Music Business/Economics Minor(s): BIP CFS Program: Field Studies in Business Culture I spent this summer in New York, New York interning at Bullish Inc. Bullish is a unique workplace in that it is a hybrid between a venture capitalist firm and an ad agency- something that is certainly unusual. As a hybrid position…

Ziyi has an inspiring experience at Nousout

Name: Ziyi Year: Sophomore Major(s): Economics, Statistics Minor(s): BIP CFS Program: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace This summer, I interned at Nousot, an automated data analytics firm in downtown Chicago. I’ve learned so much since the first day of my internship, and I would love to share some of my experiences with you. We are at an…

Eshan learns about the legal profession from a new perspective

Name: Eshan Year: Sophomore Major(s): Radio/Television/Film CFS Program: Legal Field Studies CFS was the best choice for me. One, it exposed me to employment opportunities that I would’ve been unaware of otherwise. Two, it provided some structure and purpose to internships that may seem aimless otherwise. Three, it allowed me to view the legal profession from a macrocosmic…

CFS Helps Essence Through the Internship Search Process

Name: Essence Year: Sophomore Major(s): Sociology Minor(s): English CFS Program: Legal Field Studies Chicago Field Studies has been a really rewarding process for me. I am a low-income student here at Northwestern. I don’t have the connections and networking opportunities that are often afforded to students who come from more privileged backgrounds. In fact, I don’t even know anyone…

Abhishek at High Concept Labs

Name: Abhishek Year: Sophomore Major(s): Journalism Minor(s): Theatre CFS Program: Field Studies in Social Justice In preparing for my weekend of documenting and interviewing artists and their process, I research and write information about them followed by writing interview questions. I added specific questions to learn about their art-making’s urgency and the affect they hope…

Nataly at Renew Packaging

Name: Nataly Year: Sophomore Major(s): Economics Minor(s): Business Institutions Program CFS Program: Business Field Studies My internship search process was not ideal. I was able to secure three interviews; the first two were unsuccessful and the third was the one that got me to where I am now. I was greatly discouraged by the first two…