Eric Gains Real-World Medical Experience

Name: Eric Year: Junior Major(s): Biology Minor(s): History CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health I am so glad that I have found an internship that I love through Chicago Field Studies. As a premedical student, I wanted to get more direct exposure to healthcare and understand what makes for a good healthcare provider-patient interaction….

Jane’s Delightful Spring Internship

Name: Jane Year: Junior Major: Anthropology Minor: History CFS Program: Field Studies in Civic Engagement When I originally decided to participate in CFS full time I had no idea how much joy it would bring me. I wanted a break from classes, to see the city in a new light and of course to gain…

Rebecca Finds Her Path at Mission Measurement

Name: Rebecca Year: Senior Major: History; International Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in Civic Engagement I decided to pursue an internship through CFS as a senior because I wanted the chance to gain more experience in the social impact field before I transitioned from school to a full-time career. I was especially keen on interning…

Kayla Shares Her Internship Experience at 826CHI

Name: Kayla Year: Senior Major: History Minor: Gender Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities   I remember discovering 826CHI, a creative writing and tutoring center in Wicker Park, while scouring the web for internship opportunities this past June and thinking to myself, “That is my dream job.” Now, four months later, I’m interning there through Chicago Field Studies…

Jessica on Week 5 of her Winter 2014 Internship

Name: Jessica Senior Major: History Minor: Sociology CFS Program: Field Studies in Social Justice This winter, I am working at Intuit: The Center for Outsider and Folk Art as a development intern. I have absolutely loved this opportunity and am learning a lot about the role of fundraising and grant writing in the world of…

Jessica on Week 5 of her Fall 2013 Internship

Name: Jessica Senior Major: History Minor: Sociology CFS Program: Field Studies in Humanities This quarter I am working with YouthMuse, an amazing organization that helps museums and zoos create programs that engage teens and young adults. This experience has been an amazing introduction to a field that I hope to pursue after graduation. In this…

Meet CFS Alum: Moira

Name: Moira Class of 2013 Major: History Minor: International Studies CFS Program: Business Field Studies The program was great — I was able to learn a lot of new things through the BFS class and then apply what I learned in my respective internships and beyond into my professional future. The articles were very interesting…

Meet CFS Alum: Yuri

Name: Yuri Current Year: Junior Major: Journalism & History Minor: Economics CFS Program: Legal Field Studies I enjoyed going to class at the law school and interning four days a week. I had a great experience at the office, and I learned a lot about the criminal justice system. From class time, I was able…

Meet CFS Alum: Tayler

Name: Tayler Current Year: Senior Major: Economics & History Minor: BIP CFS Program: Business Field Studies  I appreciated that we were given full responsibility and treated like members of the team. I am sure you could leave a 6 pm every day if you wanted to and everyone would be okay with it because you’re…

Meet CFS Alum: Isabella

Name: Isabella Current Year: Senior Major: History CFS Program: Legal Field Studies The program is a phenomenal opportunity for those trying to decide what they want to do in the future. You are immersed in a professional environment that will give you the exact idea of what it would be like to be a lawyer…

Meet CFS Alum: Surbhi

Name: Surbhi Current Year: Junior Major: History & Math Minor: BIP CFS Program: Business Field Studies I worked at an investment bank through CFS and it was the best decision I ever made. I was vacillating between consulting and banking and wanted to gain experience in either field before I entered junior year recruiting. I’m so happy I chose an…