Junior Finds Soft Landing After Leap into Finance

Name: Asuka Kosugi Year: Junior Major: Economics CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Chicago Venture Partners My name is Asuka and I’m an international student from Japan, currently a junior majoring in Economics and taking the Kellogg Certificate in Financial Economics at Northwestern. Through the Chicago Field Studies program, I worked full time as an…

A Nudge to Network in Business Field Studies

Name: Ryan Farley Year: Junior Major: Environmental Science Minor: Economics and ISEN Certificate CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Feeding America I was a Human Resources intern with Feeding America, the fourth largest non-profit in the country, for 12 weeks during my summer CFS course. With this internship, I took the CFS Business studies course…

McCormick Student Researches Niche Industries during Internship

Name: Can Divitoglu Year: Senior Major: Industrial Engineering Minor: Computer Science CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Torchpass Management This summer, I interned at Torchpass Management, a small search fund company. My job consisted finding potential targets to acquire every week in niche industries. The Company has the goal to acquire one company and run…

Experiencing Significant Milestones within a PE Firm

Name: Elijah Flomen Year: Junior Major: Economics Minor: Business Institutions CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Kinzie Capital Partners This summer, I had the opportunity of interning at Kinzie Capital Partners, a start-up private equity fund specializing in lower middle market, retail and manufacturing companies. Kinzie is a fairly small team, only making up around six full-time…

Blogging to Inform the Public About E-Commerce

Name: Lucas Conrad Year: Junior Major: Economics Minor: Political Science CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Tangiblee I’ve spent this summer working at Tangiblee, a small software company that provides a product visualization service for e-commerce retailers.  Throughout my time at the company I have learned a significant amount about the business to business (B2B) software world…

M&A Intern Benefits from Dedicated Supervisor

Name: Saksham Goel Year: Junior Major: MMSS and Economics CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: CDI Global This summer I have been interning at CDI Global, a mergers and acquisitions firm that focuses mainly on middle markets. This internship opportunity stuck out to me because of the high level of personal attention and mentoring provided at…

Joining a New Family Through a Summer in Venture Capital

Name: Louisa Oreskes Year: Senior Major: History Minor: Creative Writing CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Listen Ventures Working at Listen Ventures this summer has been an incredibly enriching experience. First, a little about where I work: Listen is a brand focused venture capital firm located in Chicago, Illinois. Listen backs and builds the brands of tomorrow…

Rising Junior finds Success and Flexibility while Interning at Search Fund

Name: Derek Smith Year: Junior Major: Economics CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Torchpass Management This summer quarter I am interning at Torchpass Management, a Chicago-based search fund operated by Kellogg alumnus Russ Johnston. Search funds are a little-known version of private equity whereby investors provide entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners the money to acquire and operate a…

A Dynamic M&A Summer Experience

Name: Shloka Shetty Year: Junior Major: Economics Minor: History CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: CDI Global My summer CFS experience has been valuable in several different ways. Foremost, my internship at CDI Global, an M&A advisory firm, has been a great learning experience primarily because my supervisor, the Managing Director for the North America division,…

Senior Experiences Growth Through Recruitment and Consulting Internship

Name: Chrystelle Doueihy Year: Senior Major: Industrial Engineering Minor: Computer Science and Kellogg Certificate in Managerial Analytics CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: HBR Consulting I participated in the CFS program during the Summer quarter after my Junior year. It was a great experience in many different ways, and I encourage anyone who has the chance to participate…

A Quarter in M&A…with more to come!

Name: Siddharth Panandiker Year: Junior Major: Economics Minor: Mathematics CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Blaige & Co. LLC This summer I completed an internship with Blaige & Company, a boutique investment bank that specializes in sell-side M&A in the plastics, packaging and chemicals industries. During this internship, I gained truly valuable exposure to the…

Interning During a Major Company Reorganization

Name: Emily McHugh Year: Sophomore Major: Economics CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Brinks Home Security This quarter I interned at Brinks Home Security. My job consisted of analyzing data, which basically meant I was working with Excel to create different reports for the company on a daily basis. One thing that happened this summer…