Victor learns new skills at his CFS internship

Name: Victor

Year: Junior

Major(s): Economics, International Studies

CFS Program: Business Field Studies

The best part of the internship has definitely been the working environment. The first week my desk was positioned in one of the newly opened office areas, so there weren’t many people near me. Even though they were all in software solutions, they introduced themselves to me and readily addressed any small issues I had adjusting to the computer network. My supervisors have also been patient with teaching me new excel skills and exercises to try them out on. In addition, I was assigned to a group to do an intern capstone project. Our project concerns the improvement of knowledge management at the firm, and it has given me the opportunity to speak with all sorts of employees at the company, ranging from senior practice group leaders to IT consultants. Not only did I learn how to conduct meetings and interviews better but also, I sharpened my PowerPoint and presentation abilities. Finally, it was an amazing opportunity to speak with my fellow interns from other schools and learn from their experiences. The BFS course was an extremely fascinating companion course to the internship. Professor Wieda facilitates discussion in class really well, and her assignments are meaningful without being overbearing. The topics we discussed like diversity and workplace culture were very salient to my internship and inspired insightful conversations with my fellow classmates. Overall, CFS has been a solid experience so far. There’s a lot more to do in Chicago than I ever imagined, and the last seven weeks have pretty much blown by. I’m extremely grateful for having the opportunity to be in Chicago this summer.