Elected Officers

Cindy Xue
The President sets the overall tone and direction of the area council in conjunction with the rest of the executive board officers and the area leadership team.
-Chairs area council meetings and prepares the agendas for each meeting
-Meets with area council advisers regularly
-Maintains relationships and proactively communicates with RA staff and community representatives
-Works with area council advisers over the summer to create initial plans for the year and plans for fall community representative recruitment

Allison Kim
The Vice President of Administration takes minutes at all meetings, oversees the general area council membership, and works with the area leadership team on area-wide communications.
-Oversees area council membership and retention
-Records, maintains, and distributes minutes
-Tracks attendance at all meetings and programs
-Ensures area brand fidelity and timely distribution of digital and print communications

Anna Ure
The Vice President of Finance oversees all financial matters of the area council, including serving as the SOFO liaison.
-Maintains the area council budget and handles all SOFO interactions
-Oversees requests to utilize area council funding for programming efforts
-Provides regular budget status updates
-Attends all SOFO-related trainings and meetings

Jeantine Jean
The Vice President of Programming has primary responsibility for area council programs and events. They create ad hoc committees comprised of community representatives and other area residents who would like to assist in planning events.
-Creates temporary committees as necessary for programs
-Works with the Vice President of Administration on promotion of area council events and initiatives
-Designs and creates advertising for area council events and initiatives
-Aids in creation of promotional items along with the area leadership team as well as distribution
The Southwest Area Council has one advisor: Program Coordinator, Residential Area Engagement. The Advisor works to support the Elected Officers and Building Representatives through active consultation and engagement.