Foster-Walker Dining Commons
Foster-Walker offers a complete dining experience and a wide range of cuisine; it is a popular destination for residents of all areas because of the central location and the mail and package center downstairs. We love the food there and it’s a great place to meet up. You’ll love having this dining option in your area.
Foster-Walker Market
Need a quick snack, cleaning supplies, or something else that you’d love to get your hands on without walking all the way into town? Foster-Walker Market has got you covered for a lot of those little things. Located at the entrance to the Foster-Walker West Dining Commons, the Market is a convenient place to stop.

Fran's Cafe
Located in the Willard Engagement Center next to the Southwest Area Desk, Fran’s Cafe is a daytime and late-night hot spot for hanging out, having a snack, or eating something more substantial. Some say Fran’s serves the best milkshakes. The only real argument is whether they mean best on campus, best in Evanston, or best in the world. Trivia question: Can you guess who Fran is?
Allison Dining Commons
Just a short walk down University Place, Allison Dining Commons is the primary dining location for residents of the Southwest Area’s residential colleges (Willard, Humanities Residential College at Chapin, Shepard Residential College at South Mid-Quads, Public Affairs Residential College at North Mid-Quads). Sure, it’s technically in the South Area, but the walk is really short—and worth it.