MediaCommons CFR: Media Studies vs. Digital Humanities

The MediaCommons Front Page Collective is looking for responses to the survey question: What are the differentiations and intersections of media studies and the digital humanities?

The term Digital Humanities is notoriously difficult to define. Often, it is conflated with media studies, especially new media studies. But, is this the best way to think about the digital humanities? What is the difference between the umbrella term digital humanities where media studies often falls and what is referred to as the capital DH, which deals with using new tools and archives? With this survey, we want to extend opportunities to scholars to discuss how media studies and the digital humanities do and do not intersect. This project will run on the front page of the site from April 15 to May 10.

Responses may include but are not limited to:

  • – Textual studies and the Digital Humanities
  • – Whether new media studies necessarily intersect with digital humanities
  • – How definitions of digital humanities determine its intersections with media studies
  • – Whether or no digital humanities purely a reflexive field that talks about itself or is it one that discusses content as well as form

Responses are 300-400 words and typically focus on introducing an idea. Proposals may be brief (a few sentences) and should state your topic and approach. Submit proposals to <> by *April 5* to be considered for inclusion into this project.

In case you are unfamiliar with *MediaCommons*, we are an experimental project created in 2006 by Drs. Kathleen Fitzpatrick and Avi Santo, seeking to envision how a born-digital scholarly press might re-conceptualize both the processes and end-products of scholarship. MediaCommons was initially developed in collaboration with the Institute for the Future of the Book through a grant from the MacArthur Foundation and is currently supported by New York University’s Digital Library Technology Services through funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities.