HASTAC@NUDHL Scholar Reports


Final Reflections Reports

Please assemble your report into one pdf file and email to mjk@northwestern.edu and j-enteen@northestern.edu.

1. A one page reflection (single spaced) on what you accomplished this year as a HASTAC@NUDHL Scholar and how the experience has altered your sense of digital humanities in relation to your own intellectual and professional development. What did you learn and achieve this year? Where do you wish to go next in the digital aspects of your graduate education?

2. Documentation of your participation on the NUDHL blog, HASTAC website, and/or other relevant avenues of digital humanities activity (screen shots, pdfs, etc.).

3. Documentation of any other digital humanities research, teaching, and other activities this year (blog posts, teaching syllabi and screen shots of course website, essays written for courses, conference participation or presentations, department-related activities, papers submitted or published).

4. A one page description of ideas, comments, critiques, suggestions for NUDHL. How would you like to see the lab develop in terms of your own intellectual development as a scholar?

Of course, let us know if you have any questions about the reports. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming NUDHL meeting.

Michael and Jillana

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