Chicago DH

With the help of some colleagues from Loyola and IIT, I’ve started Chicago DH, an informal group of/for scholars, technologists, librarians, and others dedicated to sharing digital humanities events, announcements, questions, and discussions in and around Chicago. Our goal is to use Google Groups along with a forthcoming website ( and Twitter account (@ChicagoDH) to share DH events and announcements across the many campuses in the Chicago area in the hopes of building a stronger community and sharing learning resources and opportunities. If you’re interested in joining the mailing list (to which you can also post) please visit!forum/chicago-dh and request to join. Hopefully as we get more users across all of our institutions it can become a vital and vibrant resource. Michael and Jillana, if you’re interested in participants from other campuses, please add NUDHL meeting session announcements to this list!

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