
As many of you are probably aware, the annual MLA conference is currently underway. For the past few years, digital humanities panels and presentations have been on the rise at MLA, and this year the trend continues. Mark Sample has a post called Digital Humanities at MLA 2013 which collects all of the information on the DH-related sessions at MLA this year, and notes that there are a total of 66 (in 2010 there were only 27), or about 8% of all sessions. If you’re not attending, a good way to follow along is via Sample’s post and the #MLA13 hashtag on Twitter.

One thought on “#MLA13

  • January 7, 2013 at 3:56 pm

    Also see the American Historical Association conference threads from New Orleans at Twitter hashtags #aha2013 and #aha13.

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