A Gentle Introduction to Digital Text Analysis

The other night, Jade Werner  and I presented “A Gentle Introduction to Digital Text Analysis.” Attendance was strong and the post-presentation discussion lively and we’d like to share our work as broadly as possible. The link below features the presentation slides, full transcript of our remarks, and links to our live collation and analysis environments using Juxta Commons andVoyant Tools. The presentation (a) introduces our the object/subject of our study, (b) outlines a brief history of text analysis, (c) discusses and displays new digital tools, and (d) outlines popular text analysis methodologies.

This presentation came about through a collaboration between Jade and I on her wonderful scholarship on the two versions of the Lady Morgan novel The Missionary (1811) and its edited version Luxima, The Prophetess (1859). Having cleaned up the texts, we are now exploring new interpretations enabled and enhanced by online text analysis tools. Please take a look and feel free to get in touch with us with any questions/comments.


2 thoughts on “A Gentle Introduction to Digital Text Analysis

  • November 17, 2012 at 5:43 pm

    Thanks to you and Jade for delivering such a helpful overview. I look forward to hearing more about the project!

  • November 24, 2012 at 10:46 pm

    How great to learn about this wonderful presentation even though I couldn’t make it to the event. Wonderful stuff. My favorite is the photo of the TEI group from 1986 or thereabouts. I am so eager to learn more about what Jade discovers through her explorations of The Missionary. Thanks for this! — Michael

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