Some brief thoughts on Cultural Criticism and Digital Humanities

Hi all, long time no see. i’m looking forward to the discussion ina few hours. One of the chapters we are reading for this second meeting is Alan Liu’s “Where is cultural criticism in the digital humanities?”. Some great points abouthaving to think not only how to reach society, but the impacts in the new modes of life and discourse were very well put, but I think we could elaborate on that in the discussion. Again, as in many texts, the question of someone having to be able to code to be considered a digital humanist arises (in this text in form of an anecdote). I’m still undecided about this. i like to think of myself as a humanist that has a huge interest on the digital impact in my field of study, which is certainly changing, and therefore i have take part on discussions on digital humanities. If I am going digital? Well, who isn’t? (even though Blackboard is not the best platform ever created…).
And now, for the digital humanists that can code: could a critical, analytical scholarly work come in digital form? (not Pdfs etc), really use tha tools to enhance the knowledge being presented. My question, besides of coming from the readings for this session, has been in my mind for a while now. I’m in the process of creating a magazine/ journal in my Home Dep. And we’ve had three meetings and can not come to a conclusion if a innovative digital form taht brings academic knowledge will be as seriously-taken as a old-fashioned journal (open-access, thank god, was unanimous).

3 thoughts on “Some brief thoughts on Cultural Criticism and Digital Humanities

  • November 9, 2012 at 10:22 am

    Juliana, thank you for pulling out these threads for further inquiry at our meeting today.
    I’m thinking you speak to:
    -general social integration of new media issues
    -tech based knowledge required for a DH practitioner-scholar
    -what constitutes tech/DH and is digitally rich media (like your dept magazine) necessarily “better” or more intellectual or “more” DH-worthy.

    Let me know if you see this summary similar to my interpretation or wish to add anything.

    Thanks for your contribution!

  • November 9, 2012 at 11:16 pm

    Juliana, I’d love to hear more about the magazine/journal you and your colleagues are launching. I’ve done a lot of work researching and testing various digital platforms for journal publishing and would be happy to share my experiences and/or help you think through these issues. If you’d like to get in touch, I’m at joshua.honn at northwestern dot edu.

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