A Gentle Introduction to Digital Text Analysis, 11/14

Subject: A Gentle Introduction to Digital Text Analysis – SRTS event Nov 14th


Please join us for the last Scholarly Resources & Technology Series event of the fall quarter:


A Gentle Introduction to Digital Text Analysis


Date: Wednesday, Nov 14th

Time:  5:00pm to 6:00pm


Using computers to analyze and visualize literary texts is a practice with a long history in the digital humanities. This presentation outlines that history and also explores a few of the latest digital tools enabling scholars to use computational methods to analyze individual texts and corpora. The presentation will use Jade Werner’s work on the revision history of Lady Morgan’s Luxima,The Prophetess (1859). No programming experience required.



Jade Werner, Doctoral Student, English Department

Josh Honn, Digital Scholarship Fellow, Center for Scholarly Communication & Digital Curation


Registration not required. 



Also a reminder for this Friday’s event at noon in the Library Forum Room


Professor Owen encourages you to bring your iPad to follow along.




Scholarly Resources & Technology Series team



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