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James Soto

Cohort: 1

Where are you from?

Chicago’s South West side. 

What is your favorite field of study/topic?

Law and sociology.

What is something you would like people to know about you as a student?

I enjoy creative writing — most people find my strength in analytical writing, which admittedly I am more adept at doing. But creative writing pushes me to get outside my comfort zone and I enjoy the challenge.

What does being a part of NPEP mean to you?

Being a part of NPEP has become a central part of my life. I spend more hours devoted to it than anything else and it has made me a better person. It has given me inspiration and has shown me I can achieve my goal of higher education.

What course has had the biggest impact on you and why?

I would have to say that Professor John Cutler’s class on “Borders” was very impactful. The book “Borderlands” re-awakened my Mexican-American heritage and put into words the cultural borders I experienced all of my life.

What is your favorite book or article that you have read in your NPEP classes?

Hands down my favorite book is “Borderlands” by Gloria Anzaldúa.

What assignment (paper, project, homework) have you found the most rewarding?

The final paper I did for sociology in Mary Pattillo’s class. It was based on my life’s journey through different neighborhoods in Chicago and made me reminisce on how they shaped who I am.