Phling Past Events


Thursday, December 1 Matthew Mandelkern

February 3: Bernhard Nickel (Harvard)

February 17: Alexis Wellwood (Northwestern)

March 10: Christopher Vogel (University of Maryland)


June 3: Alda Mari (Institut Jean-Nicod), “The presuppositions of epistemic attitudes and the Italian subjunctive”
May 2: Zsofia Zvolenszky (The Slovak Academy of Sciences), “A Common Problem for Possible Worlds Analyses of Deontic and Fictional Discourse”
April 8: Mihaela Popa (Universitat de Barcelona), “Slurs: Roles and Power”
January 22: Paolo Santorio (University of Leeds), “Decentering Conditionals: Probability, Modus Tollens, and the Failure of Stalnaker’s Thesis”
December 2: Ashley Atkins (Western Michigan Univeristy), “Stative Puzzles: A Case Against Hidden Modality)

May 15: Casey Johnson (University of Connecticut), “Objective Illocutionary Force”
May 1: Aidan Gray (UIC), “The place of proper names in the lexicon according to Predictivism”
Apirl 17: Fabrizio Cariani (Northwestern), “Past possibilities and part-time relativism”
March 13: David Etlin (MCMP, LMU Munich), “Vague Desires: The Sorites and the Money Pump”
February 13: Anastasia Giannakidou (University of Chicago), “Weakness and Bias with Universal Modals”
January 16: Alexis Wellwood (Northwestern), “Measurement, Abstraction, and Natural Language Ontology”
October 3: Nate Charlow (University of Toronto), “The Meaning of Imperatives”

May 16: Brendan Balcerak-Jackson (University of Konstanz), “Structural Entailments and Semantic Natural Kinds”
May 9: John Mackay (University of Wisconsin- Madison), “The Actuality Operator Explained Away”
April 18: Zsofia Zvolenszky (Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy, Eötvös University (ELTE)), “Revisiting a Problem for Possible-Worlds Analyses of Modality”
February 21: Tim Grinsell (University of Chicago), “A Tale of Two Paradoxes”
January 17: Peter Ludlow (Northwestern), “There are no operators in natural language”
January 10: Joshua Armstrong (University of Pennsylvania) “Truth and Imprecision”
December 6: Jurgis Skilters (University of Latvia), “Spatial cognition as a blend of geometrical, functional, and reference frame knowledge”
November 22: Lenny Clapp (Northern Illinois University), “Truth Conditional Pragmatics and Semantic Presupposition”
November 1: Derek Green (Northwestern University), “Rational Explanation and the Determinacy of Content: A Solution to Kripke’s Paradox”
October 18: Lilia Rissman (University of Chicago), “How verbs determine event participant representation: the case of instruments”