CFS Advisors Help Ashleigh Navigate the Internship Process

Name: Ashleigh Year: Junior Major(s): Statistics Minor(s): Global Health CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities My CFS experience has been nothing but positive from the very beginning. Finding and securing an internship can be a very intimidating experience for many students but with CFS, the process is more manageable. One of the most helpful…

Yunchu Finds Meaning in LFS Lectures

Name: Yunchu Year: Senior Major: Economics; Statistics CFS Program: Legal Field Studies I am interning at the Law Offices of Reza Baniassadi this summer. Mr. Baniassadi founded this law office twenty five years ago, and the law firm currently has more than 5600 cases in different areas. Most of the cases are involved with US…

Meet CFS Alum: Melody

Name: Melody Current Year: Senior Major: Economics & Statistics CFS Program: Business Field Studies This year, I decided to take a break from the routine of taking required classes every quarter. CFS provided a way to do that while still receiving class credit, so I enrolled for the Business Field Studies program spring quarter. Initially, I was very stressed….