Yolanda at Carol Fox and Associates

Name: Yolanda Year: Sophomore Major(s): Communications Studies Minor(s): Integrated Marketing Communications, Film & Media Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in Business Culture I am halfway through my internship, and I have already learned so much. I initially wanted this experience because I wanted to “be an adult” for a quarter: work a 9 to 5 job, get on the…

Helen on Week 7 of her Winter 2014 Internship

Name: Helen Junior Major: Communication Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace When I applied to the CFS program, I did so on a whim while studying abroad in the Czech Republic this past fall quarter. As you might expect, being so wrapped up in the study abroad experience can make it difficult…

Cree on Week 6 of her Fall 2013 Internship

Name: Cree Senior Major: Political Science CFS Program: Field Studies in Humanities This quarter, I have decided to intern at Margie Korshak Inc. I am a fashion, hospitality, and restaurant public relations and marketing intern. My passion for the fashion and entertainment industry and desire to be exposed to marketing led me to choose this…