Building Cases with Kellie Walters of The Walters Law Firm

Name: Elise Year: Junior Majors: Legal Studies, Global Health Studies Minor: Gender and Sexuality Studies CFS Program: Legal Field Studies Employer: The Walters Law Firm Fiery, smart, cool, and compassionate is how I would describe Kellie Walters of The Walters Law Firm. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to work as her intern for my CFS experience. I remember…

Learning Self-Discipline at Saper Lawfirm

Name: Jake Year: Senior Major: Political Science / Legal Studies Minor: Theatre CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities Recently, I have begun my internship, and honestly, I wasn’t worried if I could handle it. I had worked all summer full time, often much longer hours than would be required for my job at a law firm….

Cheron at the Law Offices of Reza Baniassadi

Name: Cheron Year: Senior Major(s): Anthropology Minor(s): Political Science CFS Program: Legal Field Studies My experience during Chicago Field Studies has deepened my passionate commitment to pursue law. At my internship, I have gained various skills that are transferable to any area of law as well as developed my legal writing. In addition to great…

Ailyn at O’Brien Law

Name: Ailyn Year: Sophomore Major(s): History, Legal Studies Minor(s):  CFS Program: Field Studies in Social Justice I declared a Legal Studies major during my second year at Northwestern, and I was fascinated by the social implications of law. During my fall quarter, I was enrolled in a class in which we discussed the effects of law…

Rosalie at Davidson & Seseri, LLC

Name: Rosalie Year: Junior Major(s): Political Science, Legal Studies Minor(s): Classics with a Greek Concentration CFS Program: Legal Field Studies My first week of Chicago Field Studies was characterized by high demand and lifestyle change. CFS is a new experience and a quite rigorous one; however, it has allowed me to push myself passed my goals and…

Amanda at the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Name: Amanda Year: Senior Major(s): Sociology Minor(s): Legal Studies CFS Program: Legal Field Studies Participating in Chicago Field Studies this quarter has been an amazing experience. Having to look for the right internship was made so easy with the help of my CFS advisor. This quarter I am interning at the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant…

Ryan Discovers CFS Support

Name: Ryan Year: Junior Major: Psychology, Legal Studies Minor: Philosophy CFS Program: Legal Field Studies Nearly halfway through this year’s spring quarter, I still did not have any idea what opportunities my summer might hold. I was, more specifically, anxious and worried that I would not find anything more meaningful than the typical summer jobs…

Matias at Reza Baniassadi Law

Name: Matias Year: Exchange Student CFS Program: Legal Field Studies This quarter I’m interning at Reza Baniassadi’s law offices, specialized in immigration law. Despite the fact that it is a small legal office, I’ve had the chance to learn a lot, not only about immigration procedures and immigration law, but also about social issues and…

Laure Interns While on Exchange

Name: Laure Year: Junior Major: Exchange Student from Sciences Po Paris CFS Program: Legal Field Studies My CFS experience has been the peak of my year spent at the Northwestern University and has allowed me to discover a little bit more of the United States. I have not finished yet my internship at the Law…

Domonic Expands His Knowledge of Law

Name: Domonic Year: Senior Major: Economics, Political Science Minor: Spanish CFS Program: Legal Field Studies As a senior with quite a bit of past internship and work experience in the legal field, I believe my approach to CFS to be quite different than many of my peers. I view CFS not as an opportunity to…

Angela at the Chicago Bar Foundation

Name: Angela Year: Junior Major: Political Science, Legal Studies CFS Program: Legal Field Studies I am lucky to be interning at the Chicago Bar Foundation this quarter. My internship has been incredibly rewarding, and I am barely half way done with the quarter. At the CBF office, I assist various staff members with tasks and…