Working Across the Globe for UNICEF

Name: Suhaib Kahn Year: Junior Majors: Economics and Political Science CFS Program: Field Studies in Business Culture Employer: UNICEF   Having dreamed of working in the international development sector, an internship at UNICEF was an ideal role for me to understand how best to tackle the problems that I feel are most pertinent in the world today. I’ve been able…

Assisting at the State’s Attorney’s Office

Name: Mathilde Year: Junior Majors: Political Science CFS Program: Field Studies in Social Justice Employer: State’s Attorney’s Office   Since the very beginning, I knew I wanted to do an internship in the social justice track of CFS. Indeed, my past experiences in NGOs and my future plans to be involved in the implantation of social justice led me…

Building Cases with Kellie Walters of The Walters Law Firm

Name: Elise Year: Junior Majors: Legal Studies, Global Health Studies Minor: Gender and Sexuality Studies CFS Program: Legal Field Studies Employer: The Walters Law Firm Fiery, smart, cool, and compassionate is how I would describe Kellie Walters of The Walters Law Firm. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to work as her intern for my CFS experience. I remember…

Highlighting the Flexibility of CFS at Saper Law

Name: Blai Year: Junior Major: History CFS Program: Field Studies in Social Justice Employer: Saper Law   My search for an internship was focused on law firms in Chicago. I interviewed with 4 great firms and it was hard to choose one to intern with. My internship has been great so far. I’ve been doing very varied work. This includes…

Returning from the Military with CFS

Name: Dave Year: Junior Majors: Mathematics and Economics CFS Program: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace Employer: NextGen Growth Partners As an international student who had to serve in the military, I had to leave Northwestern after my sophomore year in 2015. It was when I returned to school after two whole years that I first heard about the Chicago…

Gene Finds His Stride at Nielsen

Name: Gene Year: Junior Major: Industrial Engineering CFS Program: Business Field Studies Employer: Nielsen This past fall has been my most exciting and memorable quarter at Northwestern yet. I’ve attributed this predominantly to Chicago Field Studies / Business Field Studies and my time at Nielsen as an Analyst Intern. Initially, I was extremely worried if I could handle the 9-5…

Directing Clients for Nielsen

Name: Emily Year: Junior Major(s): Communications Studies Minor(s): Business Institutions CFS Program: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace Employer: Nielsen If every time you go to the grocery store it feels like there are new products on the market—you’re not alone, and you’re probably not wrong. Consumer packaged good (CPG) retailers are constantly innovating new products, trying to create items that…

Learning Workplace Skills at Nielsen

Name: Jackson Year: Junior Major(s): Psychology Minor(s): Business Institutions CFS Program: Business Field Studies Employer: Nielsen Chicago Field Studies is an incredible program. CFS is giving me the opportunity to get real, hands-on experience in the business field while receiving academic credit. It is allowing me to develop my professional skillset and I already know some of my future successes will…

Finding an Internship Through CFS

Name: Megan Year:  Junior Major(s): MMSS, Economics CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health Employer: USAID Development Credit Authority   For many students, the internship search process is one of the most stressful parts of the year. Luckily, Chicago Field Studies makes that process easier. First, CFS has strong relationships with employers. The internal database of…

Max and NextGen: A Partnership with Huge Returns

Name: Max Year: Junior Major: Economics Minor: Business Institutions CFS Program: Field Studies in Business Culture This fall I’ve had the opportunity to intern at NextGen Growth Partners, a lower middle-market private equity firm in downtown Chicago. So far, I’ve really enjoyed my internship experience, learned lots, and made some great connections. In the first few weeks, I have…