Spending the Fall with Sports Marketing

Name: Haley Year: Senior Major(s): Economics Minor(s): Integrated Marketing Communications CFS Program: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace Employer: Northwestern Athletics Marketing This fall I’ve had the privilege to work with Northwestern Athletics Marketing. I ended up finding this internship on my own, but the marketing department was still super willing to work with my schedule and my CFS advisor was…

Finding an Internship Through CFS

Name: Megan Year:  Junior Major(s): MMSS, Economics CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health Employer: USAID Development Credit Authority   For many students, the internship search process is one of the most stressful parts of the year. Luckily, Chicago Field Studies makes that process easier. First, CFS has strong relationships with employers. The internal database of…

Working for Nielsen While at Northwestern

Name: Gabriela Year: Senior Major(s): Psychology Minor(s): Business Institutions CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities Employer: Nielsen Chicago Field Studies has been an essential part of shaping my professional development at Northwestern. My CFS adviser encouraged me to apply to my dream internship at Nielsen and the preparation I received through CFS helped me to secure the internship. The practice…

Christian Interns at Catholic Film Production Company

Name: Christian Year: Sophomore Major(s): Journalism Minor(s): Business Institutions CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities Employer: Spirit Juice Studios I write this post from my car (parked, of course) after completing my fourth exciting and enriching week interning for Spirit Juice Studios, a top Catholic film production company and an absolute dream internship for me. In complete honesty, the realization…

Teaching Sexual Health with Y.O.U.

Name: Marisa Year: Senior Major: Gender & Sexuality Studies Minor: Global Health Studies, Spanish CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health Employer: Youth and Opportunity United My internship at Youth and Opportunity United (Y.O.U.) has offered me such an incredible opportunity to learn more about the field I hope to dedicate my life to. Youth and Opportunity United is an organization…

Learning Self-Discipline at Saper Lawfirm

Name: Jake Year: Senior Major: Political Science / Legal Studies Minor: Theatre CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities Recently, I have begun my internship, and honestly, I wasn’t worried if I could handle it. I had worked all summer full time, often much longer hours than would be required for my job at a law firm….

Max and NextGen: A Partnership with Huge Returns

Name: Max Year: Junior Major: Economics Minor: Business Institutions CFS Program: Field Studies in Business Culture This fall I’ve had the opportunity to intern at NextGen Growth Partners, a lower middle-market private equity firm in downtown Chicago. So far, I’ve really enjoyed my internship experience, learned lots, and made some great connections. In the first few weeks, I have…

Moling interns with NextGen Growth Partners

Name: Moling Year: Sophomore Major(s): Mathematical Methods in Social Sciences Minor(s): Mathematics, Computer Science CFS Program: Business Field Studies I really enjoyed the summer with CFS. I took the CFS Humanities class and read a lot about the evolution of modern labor. During the class time, I interned at NextGen Growth Partners, a private equity company.  We were each…

Victoria interns at Kinzie Capital Partners

Name: Victoria Year: Sophomore Major(s): Economics, Political Science, International Studies CFS Program: Business Field Studies My internship experience at Kinzie Capital Partners, a start-up private equity firm in Chicago, has thoroughly exceeded my expectations. Coming from a social science background, I was very anxious to start learning the practical basics of business in the real world. CFS helped…

Mary on her internship at OpenMarkets Health

Name: Mary Year: Senior Major(s): Industrial Engineering CFS Program: Field Studies in Business Culture The best part about my internship at OpenMarkets Health was the people I worked with. I had the best time meeting people and learning how the whole company worked through each person. My boss made sure to let me experience every part of the…

Alex interns at Bullish, Inc.

Name: Alex Year: Sophomore Major(s): Music Business/Economics Minor(s): BIP CFS Program: Field Studies in Business Culture I spent this summer in New York, New York interning at Bullish Inc. Bullish is a unique workplace in that it is a hybrid between a venture capitalist firm and an ad agency- something that is certainly unusual. As a hybrid position…

Ziyi has an inspiring experience at Nousout

Name: Ziyi Year: Sophomore Major(s): Economics, Statistics Minor(s): BIP CFS Program: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace This summer, I interned at Nousot, an automated data analytics firm in downtown Chicago. I’ve learned so much since the first day of my internship, and I would love to share some of my experiences with you. We are at an…