Meet CFS Alum: Johanna

Name: Johanna Current Year: Senior Major: Psychology Minor: Legal Studies CFS Program:  Legal Field Studies Participating in Legal Chicago Field Studies is the best way I could have spent my summer. The class was wonderful, we were able to take the class at the law school and go on several field trips, from a private tour of Northwestern’s Law School…

Meet CFS Alum: Stephen

Name: Stephen Class of 2013 Major: Economics CFS Program: Business Field Studies The program does really teach a lot about the field in business for individuals who have little to no experience in it. It allows students to learn about what other fields are doing and explore if they would like to enter those fields….

Meet CFS Alum: Natalie

Name: Natalie Class of 2013 Major: Biological Anthropology Minor: Global Health CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health I had never really had an internship in a clinical setting before participating in CFS this quarter. This program gave me the opportunity to work, learn, and grow in an environment outside of my typical academic schedule….

Meet CFS Alum: Melody

Name: Melody Current Year: Senior Major: Economics & Statistics CFS Program: Business Field Studies This year, I decided to take a break from the routine of taking required classes every quarter. CFS provided a way to do that while still receiving class credit, so I enrolled for the Business Field Studies program spring quarter. Initially, I was very stressed….

Meet CFS Alum: Daniel

Name: Daniel Current Year: Senior Major: Communication Studies CFS Program: Business Field Studies [My teacher] was incredibly personable and made discussions incredibly relevant to what we went thru everyday at work. He challenged us to think outside the box and created a great class dynamic where everyone really enjoyed attending discussion…I enjoyed how genuinely invested my…

Meet CFS Alum: Veronica

Name: Veronica Class of 2013 Major: Communication Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in Civic Engagement My internship experience revolved largely around conference planning. Tasks included in conference planning consisted of inviting hundreds of students to the conference, recruiting volunteers and past Alumni to attend, planning the logistics of the event, contacting Alumni speakers and financial aid presenters, deciding…

Meet CFS Alum: Tayler

Name: Tayler Current Year: Senior Major: Economics & History Minor: BIP CFS Program: Business Field Studies  I appreciated that we were given full responsibility and treated like members of the team. I am sure you could leave a 6 pm every day if you wanted to and everyone would be okay with it because you’re…

Meet CFS Alum: Christine

Name: Christine Current Year: Senior Major: Environmental Science CFS Program: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace I enjoyed the great work environment in the social enterprise incubator/co-working space. I felt like I was making a difference by taking on substantial tasks and performing them to the best of my ability. I felt respected and more…

Meet CFS Alum: Ala

Name: Ala Class of 2013 Major: Economics & International Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in Humanities CFS has created a space at Northwestern for students to apply the immense amount of knowledge from the classroom to fields that they hope to enter upon graduation. With a staff team providing professional support and a class of…

Meet CFS Alum: Yoona

Name: Yoona Class of 2013 Major: Political Science & International Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in Humanities  CFS helped me not only build great connections in the Chicagoland area for professional purposes, but I’ve also found personal mentors who I can reach out to about anything. Additionally, the CFS class has definitely challenged me to…

Meet CFS Alum: Catherine

Name: Catherine Current Year: Senior Major: Sociology & Creative Writing CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health I have taken Chicago Field Studies twice now, and both times it has been a wonderful experience. The CFS staff is extremely helpful in their guidance, and the internships themselves have been great learning experiences. When I first did CFS…

Meet CFS Alum: Isabella

Name: Isabella Current Year: Senior Major: History CFS Program: Legal Field Studies The program is a phenomenal opportunity for those trying to decide what they want to do in the future. You are immersed in a professional environment that will give you the exact idea of what it would be like to be a lawyer…