Experiencing Interviews with CFS

Name: Anna Wang

Year: Junior

Major: Economics

Minor: Business Institutions

CFS Class: Business Field Studies

Employer: Accelerated Growth

As a sophomore who is new to the recruiting process, having CFS early on in Fall 2020 was very helpful for me in many ways, one of them being that I was able to go through a lot of interviews with different companies to get a feel for behavioral/technical questions. Working with the Accelerated Growth team this quarter has been very rewarding as I got to work on both the financial consulting and private equity arms of the company. Working remotely made some of the financial modeling/accounting a bit more challenging as I felt screen sharing demonstrations were harder to follow than if something were in person, but at the same time working under that type of setting helped me become more independent and honed my problem-solving skills.

Being able to be a part of the company’s culture helped keep me motivated in my work and the team at Accelerated Growth did a really great job at checking up on the interns, making sure there wasn’t too much or too little on our plates, being flexible with our class schedules, and giving us meaningful work. Overall, CFS has helped me in determining where my career interests lie and equipped me with more skills to pursue those interests.