Friday, April 5, 2019
At Chicago Architecture Center, Joan and Gary Gand Lecture Hall
111 E. Wacker, Chicago, Illinois, 60601
Directions and parking:
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Optional Bauhaus Tours in Downtown Chicago
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Exploration of Exhibits in the Chicago Architecture Center
6:00 pm
Greeting by Ingrid Zeller
Introductory Remarks by Consul General Herbert Quelle
Introductory Remarks by Hallie Rosen, Chicago Architecture Center
Keynote Address: Episodes from a Cosmopolitan Project: Bauhaus Encounters and Resonances by Dr. Regina Bittner, Bauhaus Foundation Dessau
7:00 pm Reception
Reception in Chicago Architecture Center, Joan and Gary Gand Lecture Hall
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