OWF Letter to President Schill and Mr. Barris
This letter was endorsed by Northwestern University’s Faculty Senate on November 9, 2022To date 434 Northwestern Faculty have signed the letter. President Schill received the letter with the signatures. This website, the Provost and the Deans received an unsigned version of the letter, as not all faculty wanted their signatures to be public.
OWF Statement Regarding the Cheer Team and the Appointment and Resignation of Mike Polisky as Athletic Director
May 13, 2021 – This statement was prepared before the Athletic Director’s resignation. It remains valid despite the resignation which, while welcome, does not erase the failure of leadership and oversight processes that led our University to this point. Click here to read the full document.
COVID-19 Faculty Initiatives: 2020
In the summer of 2020, the OWF developed a strategy to investigate and try to decrease the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Northwestern women faculty. OWF initiative have included surveys, reports, calls for action, conversations with the Provost’s Office, and hosting forums where women faculty can speak with the Provost and Deans. Copies of OWF documents and access to OWF forums can be found under the Initiatives page.

Latest Report
Pay Equity Among Faculty
The OWF held talkback sessions that gathered faculty responses to the Provost’s pay equity study. We assembled this input into a letter sent to University’s President, Provost and Deans.