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October 2022 NUSAC Member Spotlight


Our October 2022 NUSAC Member Spotlight is Amy Hauenstein, Director of Curriculum & Non-Degree Programs + Adjunct Faculty, School of Communication

Name: Amy J. Hauenstein
Title:  Director of Curriculum & Non-Degree Programs + Adjunct Faculty
Unit and School/College: School of Communication
Years at Northwestern University: 8 years
Years on NUSAC Council:  AY23 will be my 6th year

Why did you join NUSAC?  I wanted to meet people across campus that cared about making Northwestern an inclusive and equitable community and an overall great place to work. I also wanted to be involved in advocating for staff voices to be present and heard in the decision-making circles.

What is the most important thing your NU staff colleagues should know about NUSAC?  We are only as good as our network. We need to hear candid concerns and ideas for problem solving so that we can be a conduit between staff and senior leaders.

What issue are you most passionate about related to improving the NU experience for staff?  I am most passionate about equity and transparency overall but especially as it relates to improving the NU experience for staff. There is undeniable research that supports that when we strategize, act, and sustain with equity as a core metric that it is good for everyone.

What do you most enjoy about your work at Northwestern? I thoroughly enjoy working and learning with such smart, innovative people. I have had the good fortune of meeting some of the most talented and giving people I’ve ever encountered – whether it be my staff colleagues, faculty, students, alumni or even contractors that we collaborate with. I feel very fortunate.

What is a little-known fun fact about you?  I am a first-gen college grad and #firstgendoc who took the looooong, winding road to my career today. The hustle, skills, and humility I learned in food service and a million other odd jobs serve me well every single day. I wouldn’t change a thing.


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