The Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley and U.S. History Scene are pleased to announce competitions for a new fellowship: The Bancroft Library-U.S. History Scene Fellowship in Digital History.

The aim of this fellowship program is to familiarize scholars with emerging digital technologies and digital archival collections, including the digital publication of original scholarly research. The fellowship will introduce history graduate students to specialized skills, methods, and professional networks for conducting digital research using online digital primary source collections at the Bancroft Library, aimed at innovating K-12 history education and curriculum development.

Eligibility for Awards:

The fellowship is designed to support qualified doctoral students in the humanities or social sciences from any recognized institution of higher education in the United States.

Size of Awards:

The fellowship will include a stipend of $1500 to support 6-8 weeks of research and writing to be paid by the Bancroft Library at U.C. Berkeley directly to the fellow. Residency at the Bancroft Library is not required.

Scope of Eligible Projects:

Fellows will advance digital research practices with primary sources housed at Bancroft Library, identify new sources that should undergo digitization for public access, and receive peer-reviewed digital publishing training through U.S. History Scene for public education. The fellowships will result in digital publication of articles and curriculum plans related to their research topics to be presented on the Bancroft Library and U.S. History Scene websites. This is a virtual fellowship, allowing scholars a flexible schedule through telecommuting to participate (although residency at the Bancroft Library is welcomed). To accommodate this flexibility, primary sources will be digitized and sent to researchers directly from the Bancroft Library for their research use.

Topics that fellows might explore include:

  • Native American life and culture
  • Pacific exploration, maritime history, and empire
  • Mapping and settling the West
  • Missions and cross-cultural exchange
  • The Gold Rush
  • Overland trails
  • Mormons in the U.S. West
  • Mexican-American War, Civil War, & Reconstruction in California
  • Native and African American Slavery in the Early American West
  • Formation of National Parks
  • The U.S. home front during World War I & II
  • Organized Labor & Unionization
  • Environmental History / Natural Disasters
  • Railroads and Transportation History
  • Water, Oil, and Mining
  • Land Grant Acts
  • The Great Depression & Dust Storms
  • The Great Migration
  • Major social movements of the 20th century: Civil Rights, Black Power, Chicano Movements, Feminism & the Women’s Movement, Disability Rights, GLBT Rights
  • The West in the Cold War
  • Chinese Exclusion
  • Japanese Internment
  • Role of military & the federal government
  • Mass Culture in the U.S. West
  • Frontier & Western Mythology

Applying for Awards:

Applicants should submit a C.V. and a research statement indicating the scope and purpose of their proposed research, identifying relevant holdings of The Bancroft Library that will support their research. The digital application form, along with documentary evidence of current enrollment at a college or university, and two letters of recommendation must be sent by June 10, 2014 to Awards will be announced June 24, 2014.

For all questions please e-mail:

Rhae Lynn Barnes, US History Scene at:

Mary W. Elings, Bancroft Library at:

FYI: Music + Computation, 6/13/14

While I would prefer that the language be slightly different—for goodness sake, can’t computer science gently entwine (or something like that) with the social sciences, humanities, and arts rather than penetrating them?—there are some fascinating talks going on over in the MEAS EECS Dept. That said, the language used to describe this series seriously bespeaks the need for the digital humanities as an ethical and cultural way of addressing the serious questions raised by statements such as: “A new way of thinking—computational thinking—is emerging as a fundamental way of understanding and reimagining the entire world. It envisions all processes as computations and attempts to develop an understanding and technological mastery from this perspective.” Is this really a world we want? — Michael

The McCormick School of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science invites you to the

CS+X Colloquium Series

Computer science penetrates all areas of thinking—even the social sciences, humanities, and arts. A new way of thinking—computational thinking—is emerging as a fundamental way of understanding and reimagining the entire world. It envisions all processes as computations and attempts to develop an understanding and technological mastery from this perspective. This colloquium series will help define the challenges and opportunities for both computer science and other disciplines as the scope and nature of computational thinking continue to evolve.
Next in the Series
Friday, June 13, 1 p.m., ITW Classroom

Dannenberg Roger Dannenberg
Professor, Schools of Computer Science, Art, and Music
Carnegie Mellon University

Music + Computation
“Automating Music Listening and Understanding”

New capabilities arise when we combine perception with computation: from Siri to face recognition, applications abound. Musicians have a long and close relationship with technology, so it should be no surprise that Music Understanding — the automatic recognition of pattern and structure in music — is not only an active research area but is delivering interesting applications for music education, music production, and music performance. Music understanding problems include (1) matching and searching symbolic and audio music sequences, (2) parsing music to discover musical objects such as sections, notes, and beats, and (3) the interpretation and generation of expressive music performance. I will demonstrate through examples some music understanding success stories, including commercial products and artistic ventures.

Roger B. Dannenberg is Professor in the Schools of Computer Science, Art, and Music at Carnegie Mellon University. His pioneering work in computer accompaniment led to three patents and the SmartMusic system now used by over one hundred thousand music students. He also played a central role in the development of the Piano Tutor and Rock Prodigy, both interactive, multimedia music education systems, and Audacity, the audio editor. Dannenberg is also known for introducing functional programming concepts to describe real-time behavior, an approach that forms the foundation for Nyquist, a widely used sound synthesis language. As a composer, Dannenberg’s works have been performed by the Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble, the Pittsburgh Symphony, and at many festivals. As a trumpet player, he has collaborated with musicians including Anthony Braxton, Eric Kloss, and Roger Humphries, and performed in concert halls ranging from the historic Apollo Theater in Harlem to the Espace de Projection at IRCAM. Dannenberg is active in performing jazz, classical, and new works.

FYI: CS+X Colloquium Series

The McCormick School of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science invites you to the


CS+X Colloquium Series


Computer science penetrates all areas of thinking—even the social sciences, humanities, and arts. A new way of thinking—computational thinking—is emerging as a fundamental way of understanding and reimagining the entire world. It envisions all processes as computations and attempts to develop an understanding and technological mastery from this perspective. This colloquium series will help define the challenges and opportunities for both computer science and other disciplines as the scope and nature of computational thinking continue to evolve.



First in the Series

Wednesday, April 2, 2 p.m., ITW Classroom


McAfee Preston McAfee

Director, Google Strategic Technologies


Machine Learning + Economics

“Machine Learning in an Exchange Environment”


Machine learning involves very large regressions, with as many as a billion explanatory variables. Due to the scale, point estimates are typically used, so that common economic concepts like standard errors are ignored. The talk focuses on applications of ML in an exchange environment, as arises in internet advertising. The use of ML in an auction suggests several ways of improving ML: dealing with the winner’s curse, accommodating the inevitable prediction errors into pricing, and choosing a loss function appropriate to the application. In addition, it is shown that active learning strategies have modest payoffs.


Next in the Series


Please save the date for the upcoming lecture in this series.


Tuesday, April 29, 2 p.m., ITW Classroom


Cardelli Luca Cardelli

Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research


Programming Languages + Biology

“The Cell Cycle Switch Computes Approximate Majority”


This talk focuses on the insights that can be gained by combining the ‘dynamical systems’ and ‘reactive systems’ perspectives on biological systems, specifically focusing on how the cell cycle switch computes the well-known distributed systems algorithm: approximate majority.

FYI: Northwestern Computational Research Day – April 22, 2014

Northwestern Computational Research Day – April 22, 2014


The inaugural Northwestern Computational Research Day is being held on April 22, 2014. This event is hosted by NUIT, and sponsored in conjunction with the McCormick School of Engineering, the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, CIERA (Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics), Northwestern University Library, and the Office for Research. It is an all-day, campus-wide event to showcase computational research at NU, as well as build a computational research community at NU.


Highlights of the Computational Research Day include research presentations from Northwestern faculty and faculty researchers, invited speakers, a panel consisting of Quest support, users, and the director of the Office of Research Development, Fruma Yehiely, and a poster session sponsored by CIERA. Please see the full agenda for further details on keynote speakers, and the day’s events.


Date: April 22, 2014

Time: 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Location: Norris University Center – Evanston Campus

THATCamp Milwaukee, May 23-24, 2014

via Ann Hanlon, Head, Digital Collections and Initiatives, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, UWM Libraries

Please join us in Milwaukee, May 23-24, for THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology Camp) Milwaukee 2014, an (un)conference organized by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Library’s Digital Humanities Lab and the UWM History Department. In this collegial setting, we invite you to have a little fun talking about new media and its wider application in the humanities, other scholarly disciplines, and the world beyond. Regardless of technical expertise or skill level, THATCamp Milwaukee provides an open and accessible space to “get your feet wet,” so to speak, in the digital humanities. Above all, it is a place to learn, experiment, and create.

This particular THATCamp is loosely based around the theme of building community through the digital humanities. Many of the DH Lab’s initial projects focus on public-facing and community-oriented projects that document, visualize, and contextualize the city and state where we’re headquartered ­ Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Other UWM projects ­ proposed or underway ­ look outward to other virtually imagined communities around the nation and the world. The DH Lab is an experimental and growing community itself, grounded in the same improvisational spirit that animates THATCamp’s organizers.

May 23rd: Bootcamp (workshops)
May 24th: THATCamp (sessions)

Register at:
Registration is free!

THATCamp is truly democratic and relies on YOUR session proposals to succeed. The more session proposals we receive, the more topics we will have to discuss. So, we strongly encourage you to propose a session after registering:

More information on schedule, workshops and locations TBA soon.

Announcing the 2014 NUDHL Connections Grant

The NUDHL Connections Grant supports graduate student travel to symposia, conferences, workshops, and other events related to digital humanities taking place outside the Chicagoland area. Students who receive funding to attend these events are required to present the knowledge they have gained at a future NUHDL meeting. The purpose of this grant is to support graduate student education, deepen digital humanities expertise and knowledge within the Northwestern community, and forge connections to other institutions.

Two grants of up to $500 will be awarded. First round of applications are due April 1, 2014 for immediate use. For summer or fall 2014, applications are due May 30, 2014. Email your application to

To be eligible, applicants should submit:

  1. Application Form (download as PDF).
  2. A current CV.
  3. A statement not more than two pages, single-spaced, that details the nature of the event that you wishes to attend, how it relates to your research, teaching, or scholarly activity as well as what its value may be to digital humanities knowledge and learning at Northwestern more broadly.
  4. Documentation (pdfs, screen shots, links, etc.) of your participation at NUDHL meetings, on the NUDHL blog (, and/or HASTAC (, and/or similar spaces of digital humanities scholarly discussion.
  5. Any supporting materials (pdfs, screen shots, links, etc.) that document your current digital humanities research.
  6. Supporting materials from the event organizers: explanation of the event, CFP, advertising, or other relevant documents.

Email your application to For more information or questions, feel free to email Michael Kramer (, Jillana Enteen (, or Josh Honn (

Digital Humanities Meet Public Humanities: GEO, Spring 2014


*Graduate Students*
**GEO Community Practicum Spring 2014**
Drop-In Info Sessions Scheduled & Applications Available

Are you a graduate student interested in learning how you can connect with
community organizations and gain experience with engaged scholarship?

Are you interested in learning how you can connect with community organizations and gain experience with engaged scholarship? Stop by an information session for the Graduate Engagement Opportunities (GEO) Community Practicum. These drop-in sessions are an informal way to learn more about the program and get your questions answered. Stop in any time during the following windows:

    • Wed. January 29th – anytime between 4 – 5pm – at the Center for Civic Engagement (1813 Hinman)
  • Tues. February 11th – anytime between noon – 1pm – at the Grad Student Commons (2122 Sheridan Rd., Rm#250)

If you cannot make one of these sessions but are interested in more information contactHeidi Gross (heidi-gross@northwestern.edu847-467-1821). Additional information and applications are available at The deadlines to apply for Spring Quarter are Monday, February 17th (regular deadline) and Wednesday, February 26th (final deadline).

The GEO Community Practicum provides interested graduate students with the opportunity to undertake a quarter-long internship or field study in the overlapping areas of civic engagement, social justice, or community studies. Simultaneously, students will enroll inCFS 495: Civic Engagement and Graduate Education. The seminar will allow students to share their experiences at the work site as well as connect the practicum experience to their studies.We work closely with each student to find a placement that is aligned with the student’s interest, and have placed students with organizations that can help further the student’s research agenda and advance their career goals. A few examples of past placements include: the Newberry Library, the Field Museum, the Evanston Health Department,Illinois Humanities Council and the Trust for Public Land.

The program is open to all PhD students, and through the support of The Graduate School students can use one quarter of their NU fellowship funding to participate. (Master’s students will be considered as space allows.) For more information contact Heidi Gross(heidi-gross@northwestern.edu847-467-1821).

Additional information and applications are available

Learn how you can

     …engage with cultural, civic and non-profit institutions
     …be involved in community development
     …apply your academic skills to communities and civic life

Center for Civic Engagement and Chicago Field Studies

Northwestern University
1813 Hinman Avenue
Evanston, Il 60208-4175
p. (847) 467-1367
f. (847) 467-2286

Copyright (c) 2014 The Center for Civic Engagement All rights reserved.


Scholarship, Libraries, and c21 Humanism (NUDHL 2.3 Recap)

Thanks to all folks for attending the final NUDHL meeting of the Fall term. Last Friday attracted staff, students, and faculty from divisions including NU LIbraries, IT, History, and English. I first recounted my experiences at Rare Book School over the past summer, as well as some of the particular things I learned from Bethany Nowviskie, Andy Stauffer, and the community of scholars, librarians, collectors, and students with me in Charlottesville. The readings I selected were designed to approach the “doings” of DH through bibliographical methods (that is, the study of the physical and material qualities of printed books, manuscripts, &c). Not accidentally, the discussion also touched upon some critical issues facing today’s academy: digitization, scholarly communication, and reevaluation of graduate training practices and tenure criteria. Each of these, I believe, are deeply related to our present navigations between the print and the digital. It is our patience with the iterative nature of these navigations that will define the shape of humanistic study in this century (here, I follow Jerome McGann).

I opened with a summary of my activities at Rare Book School, an opportunity partly facilitated by a NUDHL Connections Grant. The grant remains open for graduate students at Northwestern for programs like this. You can better grasp the full extent of the talk by linking to the powerpoint presentation accompanying it (Scholarship, Libraries, and c.21 Humanism). However, a few brief comments will suffice to explain what I discussed and how the conversation proceeded. First, I talked about my time in Charlottesville in the course “Digitizing the Historical Record,” which was team-taught by book history and digital humanities gurus Andy Stauffer and Bethany Nowviskie. Participants ranged from students to scholars to librarians and enthusiasts – a fairly diverse group, but typical enough for RBS. In order to think about the complexities of digitization, especially for objects that are difficult to render in digital forms, we explored a series of “hard cases” (mine, a c16 printed edition of Peter Martyr’s commentary on Paul’s letters – a fragmentary volume riddled with handwriting from numerous readers). Nowviskie and Stauffer also led us through Digitization Services at UVa, a remarkable facility where we witnessed students scanning physical matter (letters, printed books) for patrons. This was a chance to pause and reflect upon the necessity of involving undergraduates in the developments in the humanities today, for UVa’s digitization center could not run without the help of these students. Sessions later in the week at Rare Book School included discussions with technologists (Jeremy Boggs among them), demonstrations of some promising projects in the Scholars’ Lab (Mapping the Catalogue of Ships), and participants’ presentations on developing research or digitization projects.

This portion of the course enabled me to reflect upon The Spenser Engagements, a small digital project I have been running since early 2013 alongside Josh Honn and Brendan Quinn. In Charlottesville, I envisioned a more detailed and complex iteration of the CSS/HTML apparatus we now have (and which we are trying to redesign currently for TEI). This would be called “ART” (Apparatus for Renaissance Translation) and would function along the lines of Version Variation Visualization and UVa’s Juxta. The goal is to design an interface that facilitates the study of a text as it is translated or revised across multiple languages, accounting all the while for the linguistic particularities of each language. The project is also interested in exposing/exploring the deep roots of digital scholarship in philological study.

The readings selected for this NUDHL meeting were designed to provoke some deeper thought about bibliographical methods in relation to the digital (Galey), and the problems and instabilities of digitization and the not-necessarily-linear movement from print to digital (trettien). A short piece written recently by Jerome McGann in Profession provided a general discussion of these topics in relation to the future of humanities in practice. The conversation first revolved around the stakes in “presentist” views and longer historical approaches; the notion of “resistance in the material” (to use William Morris’s phrase); the allographic and the autographic; and questions of authenticity or truth in texts. Galey’s piece stimulated some interest in the ethics of emerging scholarly methods and the “interpretive malleability” of software; the time that one must devote to a particular scholarly effort, and how the digital may streamline that process; and the prestige economy of the academy and the value associated (or not) with tools and curation.

Some links to resources & tools:
Andrew Keener’s Slides
The Rossetti Archive
The Blake Archive
The Scholars’ Lab
Mapping the Catalogue of Ships
The Elements of User Experience
Lexicons of Early Modern English
Livingstone Spectral Imaging Project
English Short-Title Catalog (ESTC)

Jonathan Sterne and the Sound of Digital Humanities (NUDHL 2.2 Recap)

For the second NUDHL session of 2013-2014, the group had the privilege of hearing from and visiting with Jonathan Sterne who teaches at the Department of Art History and Communication Studies and the History and Philosophy of Science Program at McGill University, and author of the recent book MP3: The Meaning of a Format. With a focus on “sound studies,” this session especially attracted faculty and graduate students from the various departments of the Bienen School of Music (e.g. Musicology, Music Theory & Cognition), the School of Communication (e.g. Theater & Drama, Performance Studies), and librarians from Northwestern University Library’s Music Library.

After an introduction by NUDHL co-convener Michael Kramer, author of The Republic of Rock: Music and Citizenship in the Sixties Counterculture and whose research interests include “sonification” in the context of historical research and argument, Jonathan Sterne started things off by providing the group a definition of digital humanities. Sterne sees DH as humanists using digital technology in order to do new research and forms of publishing they couldn’t previously do, while also placing it in conversation with fields like New Media and those who study digital culture and media technologies. Yet, Sterne was quick to caution against a DH that embraces an “app fetishism” that privileges methods over questions (or, as he described it, “playing with toys”). Sterne then went on to discuss media historically, elaborating on the university mainframe of the past as a collaborative physical space, and the long tradition of humanists appropriating technology (e.g. photocopier, slide projector, card catalog, etc.) for their own uses.

On issues of sound and digital humanities, Sterne stressed the integration of sound into humanist pedagogy and presentations, and, in multimodal publishing, to create auditory content to illustrate arguments. Seeing this as a moment similar to when art historians started using slide projectors, Sterne questioned why we don’t embed sound the way we embed images? One major barrier to this, Sterne thinks, is institutional timidity around fair use. But, once we begin using sound the way we use images, he felt it could bring about major transformations in how we think, talk, study, and listen.

In the question and answer session, the group wondered how the digital might help us better study analog sound technologies? This question had us considering “close listening” and work such as Adorno’s “The Curves of the Needle.”

When it came to a question on using sound in publications, Sterne saw appropriate use being a question scholars have long faced: do you go for broad legibility or poststructural academic prose? This, to him, seemed to be the same question we have to ask ourselves in relation to multimodal argumentation, which can easily overwhelm and obscure through an excess of sound, image, video, and more.

Finally, we also discussed issues of labor (e.g. publishing multimodally usually does not come with institutional support), collaboration (e.g. the need for designers), and, to come full circle, how we need to not get so lost in methods that we stop asking questions.

As the session ended, scholars and graduate students from Northwestern shared their own experiences and challenges with using sound in their pedagogy, making it clear that this was an activity happening more and more throughout a wide range of disciplines, and one that often requires collaboration between scholars, librarians and technologists. Luckily, all of these folks were in the room, so ideas, questions, resources, and contact information were quickly exchanged, connections formed, and plans hatched while we divvied up the leftover coffee and pastries on our way out.