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Travis Dortch

Cohort: 2

Where are you from?

Danville CC. From Galesburg, Illinois. 

What is your favorite field of study/topic?

Philosophy (so far!).

What is something you would like people to know about you as a student?

I’m very emotionally invested in what I believe in and do, I really love to learn things I don’t know, but I find myself wanting to study the origin of that one thing. 

What does being a part of NPEP mean to you?

I was truly elated to learn I was accepted to the program — this means more than you could ever know. To have been considered by Northwestern was groundbreaking for me. 

What course has had the biggest impact on you and why?

At this time the biggest impact or course would be philosophy and Professor Goldberg. But the chemistry of nature and culture built me up to enjoy philosophy.

What is your favorite book or article that you have read in your NPEP classes?

It’s between “Cents and Sensibility” and “Natural History of Religion,” where Shapiro and Morson provide a correlation between economists and the real world, and Humes taught me that religion has levels that build character. “Our ideas reach no farther than our experience.”

What assignment (paper, project, homework) have you found the most rewarding?

In philosophy, I wrote for my final paper, God’s existence vs. can we know — it challenged me to see beyond what I already believe to the facts and truth. It was “B” worthy, but an “A” overall. 🙂