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Timothy Giles

Cohort: 2

Where are you from: Moweaqua, Illinois 

What is your favorite field of study/topic: Math and science 

What is something you would like people to know about you as a student?

I have always loved to read and learn. Just because I’m in prison doesn’t mean that passion has changed.

What does being a part of NPEP mean to you?

This program is amazing. It has given all of us a way to gain knowledge and better ourselves. 

What course has had the biggest impact on you and why?

I really enjoyed philosophy. I went in totally skeptical, but this class introduced me to a new way of thinking. 

What is your favorite book or article that you have read in your NPEP classes?

Last year’s club book was “Hidden Figures.” It was a great book, and I enjoyed discussing it with other students. 

What assignment (paper, project, homework) have you found the most rewarding?

In chemistry we had to write a research paper on an element, and then give a presentation about what we learned. It was fun to not only learn something, but to teach the others what I learned.