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Rochelle Sephus

How has engaging in this education program while incarcerated impacted your outlook on the future?

I feel like I have a better chance of being successful. I’ve been back and forth out of these places for half of my life, and I finally feel like I have a chance at a future. I feel like I can go out and do something different and have a vision for a positive future.

What challenges have you faced in pursuing your studies within a correctional facility, and how have you overcome them? 

Trying to keep up and do group chats and projects while being in separate housing units. Study hall has helped a lot with that. But with this challenge, I have learned to do a lot of solo projects and I felt it has enhanced my learning experience.

Can you describe a moment or achievement you feel especially proud of in your studies? 

Being able to continue with the program and being able to keep my studies a priority despite the trouble with my transitional program.

Have there been any courses or subjects that have particularly resonated with you, perhaps changing your perspective or aspirations? 

Yes — social change and leadership. I now have new goals and visions for improving my future, and my drive and ambition are much stronger.

In what ways has the support from educators and fellow students within NPEP contributed to your educational journey? 

It has helped me to grow tremendously and pushed me to be my best self. That’s given me hope for a better future for my family and me.

Reflecting on your time in the program thus far, what advice would you give to other incarcerated individuals considering starting their educational journey? 

If you have the time, this is the best option for self-improvement; it has so much to offer. You would be a fool to pass up the chance. It has been one of the greatest experiences of my life.

How do you stay motivated and focused on your studies amidst the unique challenges of being incarcerated? 

I really want this degree, so I don’t allow myself to fall short. I never would have had the opportunities I do if not for this program, so I stay mindful of that and stay focused.

Are there specific goals you’ve set for yourself to achieve by the end of the program, and how do you plan to achieve them? 


  • Complete my book.
  • Develop my plan to start my organization upon release.
  • And never place myself in this position ever again.