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Miguel Garcia

Cohort: 3

Where are you from? 

Harvey, Illinois.  

Why did you decide to apply to NPEP? 

I decided to apply to NPEP to continue my education and I am most excited to continue learning and being part of the Northwestern community. 


What does being a part of NPEP mean to you? 

Being a part of the NPEP means a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will be life-changing and help me evolve into a better man.  

What has been your favorite NPEP reading? 

My favorite reading has been Jeanne Bishop’s “Change of Heart: Justice, Mercy, and Making Peace with My Sister’s Killer.” This showed me that with God, everything is possible.   

What is something you would like others to know about you as a student? 

I enjoy math. It took me some 38 years to learn to enjoy it.  

What is a fact about yourself that others might find surprising? 

I’m good at basketball and soccer – I’m a good athlete.