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Michael Broadway

Cohort: 1

Where are you from?

I was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, in a community called Roseland.

What is your favorite field of study/topic?

My favorite field of study so far — and I must admit I’ve enjoyed all of my studies — would have to say philosophy and sociology.

What is something you would like people to know about you as a student?

I would like people to know that I am a regular student. I try my very best and give my full attention in class. I come prepared to learn and discuss the readings, and I am an excellent listener. 

What does being a part of NPEP mean to you?

Being a part of NPEP means a great deal. It’s a point of conversation that I have with my family, friends, and especially my grandchildren. We talk about homework a lot. That exchange with them has helped to bridge the distance between us. I get an understanding and learn more about them every week, thanks to our shared educational experience. 

What course has had the biggest impact on you and why?

The course that has had the biggest impact on me is without a doubt my sociology class with Prof. Mary Pattillo. I grew up in an area that was heavily affected by deindustrialization, which caused food deserts, underfunded schools, and healthcare decline. The loss of jobs caused lots of home foreclosures, a rise in crime and drug use, which led to our community being over-policed and having its citizens harassed. To me, this was just a part of my life. Sociology gave me the terms and definitions to describe what I was experiencing. Thank you, Prof. Pattillo. 

What is your favorite book or article that you have read in your NPEP classes?

My favorite book has to be “Borderland” by Gloria E. Anzaldúa. Her description of what life was like for Mexican people along the Texas border was richly written. It reminded me so much of my own childhood and the borders that I lived in. To come to the realization my Black body was a border that I carried with me everywhere I went was revealing. Thank you, Prof. Cutler. 

What assignment (paper, project, homework) have you found the most rewarding?

By far the “A” I received for my philosophy final. Prof. Lackey’s the most terrifying instructor I have ever had. That little red pen gave me nightmares, but it made me a better writer. So when I received that “A”, I knew I had truly earned it. Thank you, Prof. Lackey.