Where are you from?
What is your favorite field of study/topic?
Writing (poetry/fiction)
Describe yourself in three words.
Creative, empathetic, and funny.
What does being a part of NPEP mean to you?
Wow … this is the opportunity of a lifetime. It’s a chance to show that I am capable of “stomping with the big dogs,” but also to prove how vital education behind bars is to helping individuals become productive members of society.
Why did you decide to apply to NPEP and what are you most excited about?
I’ve been in school throughout my incarceration, but to be a part of Northwestern is a whole ‘nother level. That’s exciting.
What is something you would like people to know about you as a student?
To be honest, coming in as a part of the second cohort has me extremely nervous. But I got this!
If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?
This question has my mind everywhere because, naturally, I would sit with the governor or Congress. Ultimately, though, I would have. to have dinner with my mother.