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Blanca Solis

Name: Blanca Solis

Where are you from?: Juarez, Chihuahua Mexico

What is your favorite field of study/topic: Science

Describe yourself in three words.

Confident, honest, and persistent.

What does being a part of NPEP mean to you?

Being a part of NPEP means that I’m using my time wisely. This is the beginning of my goal to keep moving forward with my education and take advantage of the chance I didn’t have before.

Why did you decide to apply to NPEP and what are you most excited about?

I applied to NPEP to become a good role model to my children, to prove to myself that I’m capable of learning more, and to be a good example for other non-English speaking incarcerated people.

What is something you would like people to know about you as a student?

I’m a very dedicated and disciplined student. While I know I’m not a genius, nothing intimidates me.

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?

With my children and mom.