Cohort: 3
Where are you from?
I was born in Chicago in 1970. I lived like a nomad being shuffled between Champaign, Illinois and Gary, Indiana to live with my dad. I spent most of my teen years in Centralia, Illinois.
Why did you decide to apply to NPEP?
I’ve wanted to be a barber for many years and I am good at it. I’ve been incarcerated for 15 years and due to my current out date, I was continually denied for school until a friend advised me to fill out the paperwork for this program. What I am most excited about is presenting my diploma to my family.
What does being a part of NPEP mean to you?
It means I now have the chance to finally complete a project I start while getting educated and meeting amazing new people.
What has been your favorite NPEP reading so far?
“The New Jim Crow” and “Beyond the New Jim Crow.” It gives an accurate account of the past, present, and possibly future struggles of the black, brown, and white people that have fallen victim to the abuse and neglect of our criminal justice system, which is so similar to the abuse blacks experienced during slavery.
What is something you would like others to know about you as a student?
I am a passionate people person; I desire to see everyone succeed. I’m known as Uncle Drew on the basketball court. I strongly believe we can (do-accomplish-create-invent-obtain) all things through Christ, who strengthens us.
What is a fact about yourself others might find surprising?
I met Bill Clinton while he was running for office.