Where are you from? West Side of Chicago, IL (Austin Community)
What is your favorite field of study/topic? The study of me, my thoughts, and decisions
What is something you would like people to know about you as a student?
I think of myself as an organized, thorough, and diligent student; however, others have described me as very inquisitive and a deep-thinking writer – to which I accept the accolade.
What does being a part of NPEP mean to you?
It’s an absolute honor to represent, and be represented by, such an esteemed establishment. This NPEP program gives me more than just an academic education; it’s an introduction to and acquiantment with a world beyond my neighborhood and culture. But much more than that, it’s a reason to be proud of myself and to walk confidently with my head high. It’s help, it’s a safe place for realness and vulnerabilities. It’s understanding, it’s family, it’s care and concern like no other in this system. It’s humanity, and above all, it’s love. It’s my everything.
What course has had the biggest impact on you and why?
Each course has been special to me in their own way. However, 2 stand out:
Philosophy – Instructor Sandy made it interesting and fun. Plus, I happened to be good at it – who knew?
Chemistry – I expected this to be miserable, but was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed it. I learned so much. Shout out to Dr. Andrea & Dr. Steven – a dynamic duo.
What is your favorite book or article that you have read in your NPEP classes?
‘Gilead’ by Marilynne Robinson wouldn’t classify as my favorite in the sense of enjoyability, however, it’s the most meaningful so far. It’s a dying man’s letter of life lessons & memories to his son. It reminds me of the question, “If you could speak to your younger self, what would you tell him?”. Everything I would tell my younger self is the same lessons & gems I want my sons to know – they are my younger self.
What assignment (paper, project, homework) have you found the most rewarding?
I put my capacity into every paper, project, & homework, so they’re all my babies & every parent knows that you don’t have a favorite child – just ones you like better at the time :). They’re all my creations & masterpieces, & I’ve received the reward of knowledge, experience, & growth from each.
Brian’s featured work:
Read Brian’s paper written for Introduction to African American Studies: