Peer-reviewed publications
* Monroy-Ríos E, Beddows PA (in press) Hydrogeothermal convective circulation model for the formation of the Chicxulub Ring of Cenotes in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
* Monroy-Ríos E & Beddows PA. On the tectonic Stability of the Yucatán Peninsula. Geology.
* Monroy-Ríos E, Beddows PA. Submarine Groundwater Discharge of phosphorous and iron from carbonate coastlines under rising sea level, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Merino-Ibarra, M., Ramírez-Zierold, J. A., Valdespino-Castillo, P. M., Castillo-Sandoval, F. S., Guzmán-Arias, A. P., Barjau-Aguilar, M., Monroy-Ríos, E., López-Gómez, L. M., Sacristán-Ramírez, A., Quintanilla-Terminel, J. G., Zayas, R. G. de, Jimenez-Contreras, J., Valeriano-Riveros, M. E., Vilaclara-Fatjó, G., & Sánchez-Carrillo, S. (2021). Vertical boundary mixing events during stratification govern heat and nutrient dynamics in a windy tropical reservoir lake with important water-level fluctuations: A long-term (2001–2021) study. Water 13 (21). DOI: 10.3390/w13213011
Hernández-Terrones L, M Rebolledo-Vieyra, M Merino-Ibarra, M Soto, A Le Cossec and E Monroy-Ríos (2010) Groundwater Pollution in a Karstic Region (NE Yucatan): Baseline Nutrient Content and Flux to Coastal Ecosystems. Water Air Soil Pollut 218 (1-4): 517-528.
doi: 10.1007/s11270-010-0664-x
Ramírez-Zierold J, M Merino, E Monroy-Ríos, Olson M, FS Castillo, ME Gallegos and G Vilaclara (2010) Changing water, phosphorus and nitrogen budgets for Valle de Bravo reservoir, water supply for Mexico City Metropolitan Area. Lake Reserv Manage 26 (1): 23-34.
doi: 10.1080/07438140903539790
Merino M, E Monroy-Ríos, G Vilaclara, F S Castillo, M E Gallegos and J Ramírez-Zierold (2008) Physical and chemical limnology of a wind-swept highland reservoir. Aquat Ecol 42: 335-345.
doi: 10.1007/s10452-007-9111-5
PhD Dissertation
Monroy-Ríos, Emiliano (2020) Advancements in Our Understanding of the Yucatán Platform: Sedimentary Geology and Geochemistry, Speleogenesis, Chicxulub Ring of Cenotes, and Tectonic Stability. PhD Thesis. Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University. Evanston, IL.
Book Chapters
Ramírez-Zierold J, Merino-Ibarra M, Castillo-Sandoval FS, Monroy-Ríos E, López-Gómez LM, Quintanilla-Terminel JG, Valdespino-Castillo PM, J Jiménez-Contreras, Valeriano-Riveros ME y Vilaclara–Fatjó G (2015) Variabilidad de la mezcla vertical y el flujo de nutrientes asociado en un embalse estratificado, Valle de Bravo, México. En: Tendencias de Investigacion en Limnologia Tropical. Perspectivas Universitarias en Latinoamérica. Asociación Mexicana de Limnología, A.C., Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM, y Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y Tecnología. México (p.39). ISBN 978-607-02-7199-1.
Merino-Ibarra M, Valdespino PM, Monroy-Ríos E y Ramirez-Zierold J (2014) Unidad III. Deterioro ambiental de México, Subtema 3.6. Contaminación marina y pérdida de ecosistemas costeros, inciso 3.6.2. Eutrofización. En: Cervantes-Ramírez MC, Franco-González AM, Juárez-Gutiérrez MC (eds) Geografía ambiental de México, 1ª Edición. FFL, DGAPA, PAPIME, UNAM. México: 281-289.
Congress Memoirs
Monroy-Ríos E, PA Beddows (2018) On the Tectonic Stability of the Yucatán Block. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 50(6) (Paper No. 207-13). doi:10.1130/abs/2018AM-320245
Monroy-Ríos E, PA Beddows (2012) Submarine Groundwater discharge of phosphorus and iron under rising sea level, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 44(7): 158. (Paper No. 55-11).
Hernández-Terrones L, P Sánchez-Navarro, M. Soto, A LeCossec, E Monroy-Ríos and E. Sosa (2008) Water Quality Evaluation of of the Akumal Aquatic System (SE Mexico) Proceedings of the 13th IWRA World Water Congress 2008, September 1-4, Montpellier, France.
Merino M, E Monroy-Ríos, S. Castillo, J. Ramírez, M. Gallegos and J. Alcocer (2003). Wind-Driven Upwelling Indicated by Hydrological Variability in a Tropical Eutrophised Reservoir, Valle de Bravo, Mexico. In: 4th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality: 228-231. Institute of Hydrobiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Ceské Budějovice, 389 p.
Presentations and Poster sessions
Monroy-Ríos E, PA Beddows (2018) 207-13 On the Tectonic Stability of the Yucatán Block. Oral presentation at GSA Conference in Indianapolis, IN. November 3-6. Geological Society of America.
Monroy-Ríos E, Beddows PA (2015) EP53A-0979: Hydrogeothermal Convective Circulation Model for the Formation of the Chicxulub Ring of Cenotes in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. American Geophysical Union – AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, December 14-18.
Monroy-Ríos E, Beddows PA (2012) T-121|55-11. Submarine Groundwater discharge of phosphorus and iron under rising sea level, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Oral presentation at GSA Conference in Charlotte, NC. November 4-7. Geological Society of America.
15th International Congress of Speleology, Karst Horizons (2009). Map. Monroy-Ríos E, P Beddows and P Kambesis. Cartographic Saloon Contest. Cave “Las Brujas”, Chaak Tun System, Q. Roo, Mexico. Category 100 – 500 m. Kerrville, Texas, USA. July 19-26.
AGU Fall Meeting 2008. Poster. Rebolledo-Vieyra M., L Hernández-Terrones, M Soto, A LeCossec and E Monroy-Ríos. Evaluating the human impact on groundwater quality discharging into a coastal reef lagoon (H21H-0923). American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, USA. December 15-19.
NALMS 2008 Lake Louise Symposium (2008) Ramírez-Zierold J.A., M. Merino-Ibarra, E Monroy-Ríos, M. Olson, F.S. Castillo, M.E. Gallegos and G. Vilaclara. Phosphorous an Nitrogen budgets in the Valle de Bravo Reservoir, The main source of water supply for Mexico City. 28th International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society. Fairmont Château, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada. November 11-14.
XV National Oceanography Congress. 2nd International Meeting of Marine Sciences (2008) Hernández-Zárate G and E Monroy-Ríos. Estudio preliminar de la presencia de Vibrio spp. total y patogénico en ambientes acuáticos del corredor turístico Cancún-Tulúm, Quintana Roo, México. Boca del Río, Veracruz. October 13-18.
13th IWRA World Water Congress (2008) Hernández-Terrones L, P Sánchez-Navarro, M Soto, A Le Cossec, E Monroy-Ríos, E Sosa-Bravo. Water quality evaluation of the Akumal aquatic ecosystem (SE Mexico). Montpellier, France. September 1-4.
3rd Congress of the Mexican Limnology Association (2005). Ramírez-Zierold J., M. Merino, E Monroy-Ríos, F. S. Castillo, M. Olson, M. E. Gallegos y G. Vilaclara. External and internal P and N loads interactions in an eutrophised tropical reservoir, Valle de Bravo, Mexico. Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. October 26-28.
3rd Congress of the Mexican Limnology Association (2005). Presentation. Monroy-Ríos E, M. Merino, G. Vilaclara, F. S. Castillo, M. E. Gallegos, J. Ramírez-Zierold. Limnological issues of a tropical reservoir under a daily-basis wind regime. Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. October 26-28.
XXIX SIL Congress of The International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (2004). Poster. Ramírez-Zierold J., M. Merino, E Monroy-Ríos, M. Olson, F. S. Castillo, M. Gallegos y G. Vilaclara. External loads and nutrient recycling in a tropical eutrophised reservoir, Valle de Bravo, Mexico. Societas Internationalis Limnologiae. University of Helsinki. Palmenia Centre for Research and Continuing Education. Lahti, Finlandia. August 8-14.
Mexican Limnology Association II Congress (2002). Oral. Ramírez J., M. Merino, G. Vilaclara, M. Gallegos, E Monroy-Ríos and S. Castillo. Spatial and Temporal Variation of nutrients in the eutrophised Valle de Bravo Reservoir, Mexico. Faculty of Sciences, UNAM. Mexico. October 23-25.
4th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality (2002). Poster. Merino M., E Monroy-Ríos, S Castillo, J Ramírez, M E Gallegos and J Alcocer. Wind-driven upwelling indicated by hydrological variability in a tropical eutrofhised reservoir, Valle de Bravo, México. Hydrobiological Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic. August 12-16.
Spanish Limnology Association XI Congress and Iberian Limnology III Congress (2002) Oral. Monroy-Ríos E, M. Merino, G. Vilaclara, S, Castillo and J. Ramírez. Nutrient dynamics in a eutrophised tropical reservoir, Valle de Bravo, México. Madrid, Spain. June 17-21.
5th Chemical Congress of North America. Symposium on Metal Clusters and Metal-Ligand Interactions (1997). Castro M., E Monroy-Ríos, A García-Sosa and A Cisneros. Chemical reactivity of small iron clusters: A density-functional study. Cancún. Q. Roo, México. November 11-15.
Outreach Publications
Monroy-Ríos, E (2022) Por las Rutas del Tren Maya: algunos retos técnicos. IC Ingeniería Civil. No. 630: 20-24. Colegio de Ingenieros civiles de México, A. C. Mayo, 2022. URL:
Ramírez-Zierold J., M. Merino, G. Vilaclara, E Monroy-Ríos, S. Castillo M. E. Gallegos y M. Olson (2005). Materia orgánica y nutrientes. Suplemento “Nuestro Lago”. Boletín del Patronato ProValle de Bravo, A. C. Publicación Bimestral 6:6-9.
Monroy-Ríos E, M. Merino, G. Vilaclara, J. Ramírez-Zierold, S. Castillo y M. E. Gallegos (2005). Temperatura, viento y mezcla. Suplemento “Nuestro Lago” Boletín del Patronato ProValle de Bravo, A. C. Publicación Bimestral 5:6-9.
Merino M, M. E. Gallegos, S. Castillo y E Monroy-Ríos (2005). ¿Qué pasa con el oxígeno? Suplemento “Nuestro Lago” Boletín del Patronato ProValle de Bravo, A. C. Publicación Bimestral 3:4-6.
Merino M. y E Monroy-Ríos (2004). Morfología y profundidad. Suplemento “Nuestro Lago” Boletín del Patronato ProValle de Bravo, A. C. Publicación Bimestral 2: 2-5.
News in the Media
Sohn, Emily (2018) Meet the supervisors who helped to shape four scientists’ careers. Nature 564 (7734): 151-152. doi: 10.1038/d41586-018-07594-5
Domínguez, Leonardo (2018) Maya train a threat to the Yucatán Peninsula ecosystem. El Universal, 11 diciembre 2018.
Domínguez, Leonardo (2018) Acuíferos y jaguares en peligro por el Tren Maya. El Universal, 10 diciembre, 2018.
Miranda, Fernando (2018) Para Tren Maya es vital conocer la ubicación de cuevas y cenotes: hidrogeólogo. El Universal, 25 noviembre, 2018.
Dear sir,
Just discovered your site via some searches I did after hearing Dr Deagle talk about ringwoodite and the water deep in the earth. Apparently there is a professor at Northwestern named something like Johnson who did a book about this. Do you know his full name? Or the title of his book? I really want to check it out.
Very much appreciate your assistance!
Mark H Gaffney, author
Hello Mark. I’m sorry I disattended the site for a few months. Yes, Steve Jacobson is from this department, he and the research group have characterized ringwoodite and its role on deep water circulation.
The paper aforementioned is: