January 2025: Our paper on quantum communication networks with Xiangyi Meng and Bingjie Hao got covered in the News
January 2025: We received an NSF AGEP-GRS Supplemental Fund for the award “Universal aspects of quantum entanglement in higher dimensional disordered quantum magnets”, PHY-2310706, Quantum Information Science
January 2025: Our renewal proposal with Engin Özkan by the National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology’s Internal Project Grant Program has been approved on Understanding synaptic wiring rules in the C. elegans brain
December 2024: István Kovács received the NSF CAREER Award “CAREER: Network-based inference of complex biological interactions”
September 2024: With Allison Strom, István Kovács became co-chair of the Physics & Astronomy Committee for Equity & Inclusion
August 2024: István Kovács accepted the invitation to serve on the Program Committee of the International Workshop on Ising Machines 2025, May 13-15, Evanston
July 2024: István Kovács accepted the invitation to join the Editorial Board of Journal of Physics: Complexity
June 2024: Our paper on structural criticality in the brain with Helen Ansell got covered in the News
May 2024: Will Engedal received the Junior Career Award in Physics and Astronomy 2024
May 2024: Juan Barrera Lopez received the Scholar in Physics & Astronomy Award 2024
May 2024: Leo Bilder got elected to Phi Beta Kappa
May 2024: Mingyuan Wang and Will Bruner received the WCAS summer research grant
May 2024: Our paper on social balance with Bingjie Hao got covered in the News
April 2024: Xiangyi Meng is starting his own group as an Assistant Professor at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute during the summer
April 2024: Elijah Platnick received a NU SURG
March 2024: István Kovács and Adilson Motter are co-organizing the “Brain Architecture and Computing 2024” workshop, sponsored by the ARO, May 20, Northwestern University
February 2024: István Kovács’s proposal got funded for the 2024 Baker Faculty Research Program, supporting the research of Will Engedal
February 2024: István Kovács will co-organize the 2024 “Networks and their limits” focused workshop, July 15-29, Erdos Center, Alfred Renyi Insitute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary
January 2024: István Kovács became an external member of the public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
January 2024: Xiangyi Meng received Best Poster Award at the 2024 Dynamics Days US Conference for the poster on “Quantum Memory Network”
December 2023: Our proposal with Jasmine Nirody for a pilot project funded by the National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology’s Internal Project Grant Program has been approved on Uncovering the genetic fitness landscape behind bacterial motility in complex environments
December 2023: Our proposal with Engin Özkan for a pilot project funded by the National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology’s Internal Project Grant Program has been approved on Understanding synaptic wiring rules in the C. elegans brain
November 2023: Juan Barrera Lopez received the Fletcher URG Prize, an award for the most outstanding 2023 Summer URG projects, Office of Undergraduate Research
November 2023: István Kovács received the Karl Rosengren Faculty Mentoring Award, mentor of best Summer URG project by Juan Barrera Lopez, Office of Undergraduate Research
November 2023: Bingjie Hao defended her Ph.D. thesis on “Understanding the wiring mechanisms of complex networks through maximum entropy ensembles”
November 2023: István Kovács became affiliated with the Center for Network Dynamics
November 2023: The National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology (NITMB) launched with István Kovács as a member
October 2023: We received the “Complex Challenges for a Complex Future” award by NICO for our proposal “Inferring Missing Node Attributes in Social Networks” with Michelle A. Birkett
September 2023: We received the NSF Award “Universal aspects of quantum entanglement in higher dimensional disordered quantum magnets”, PHY-2310706, Quantum Information Science
September 2023: István Kovács became a 2023-2024 Searle Fellow, Office of the Provost and the Searle Center for Advancing Learning
July 2023: István Kovács became affiliated with the Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (ESAM), McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
June 2023: Chana Lyubich received the Scholar in Physics & Astronomy Award 2023
June 2023: Will Engedal received the Scholar in Physics & Astronomy Award 2023
June 2023: Jay Zou defended his ISP honors thesis: “Multipartite entanglement in the random Ising chain”
June 2023: Sam Jacob Frank defended his ISP honors thesis: “Counting clusters: Investigating universality in critical percolation”
June 2023: Gabriel Augustynowicz defended his Physics and Astronomy honors thesis: “Intuitive network visualization via the convex linear visualization method”
May 2023: Jay Zou and Gabriel Augustynowicz got elected to Phi Beta Kappa