- Randomized benchmarking with non-Markovian noise and realistic finite-time gates
Antoine Brillant, Peter Groszkowski, Alireza Seif, Jens Koch, Aashish Clerk
arXiv:2501.06172 (2025)
- Loss tangent fluctuations due to two-level systems in superconducting microwave resonators
A. Vallières, M. E. Russell, X. You, D. A. Garcia-Wetten, D. P. Goronzy, M. J. Walker, M. J. Bedzyk, M. C. Hersam, A. Romanenko, Y. Lu, A. Grassellino, J. Koch, C. R. H. McRae
arXiv:2412.05482 (2024)
- Protomon: A Multimode Qubit in the Fluxonium Molecule
Shashwat Kumar, Xinyuan You, Xanthe Croot, Tianpu Zhao, Danyang Chen, Sara Sussman, Anjali Premkumar, Jacob Bryon, Jens Koch, Andrew A. Houck
arXiv:2411.16648 (2024)
- Crosstalk-robust quantum control in multimode bosonic systems
Xinyuan You, Yunwei Lu, Taeyoon Kim, Doga Murat Kurkcuoglu, Shaojiang Zhu, David van Zanten, Tanay Roy, Yao Lu, Srivatsan Chakram, Anna Grassellino, Alexander Romanenko, Jens Koch, Silvia Zorzetti
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 044072 (2024)
- A Superfluid Helium Micromechanical Quantum Device as an Artificial Atom
Priya Sharma, Jens Koch, Eran Ginossar
arXiv:2409.02028 (2024)
- Tunable inductive coupler for high fidelity gates between fluxonium qubits
Helin Zhang, Chunyang Ding, D. K. Weiss, Ziwen Huang, Yuwei Ma, Charles Guinn, Sara Sussman, Sai Pavan Chitta, Danyang Chen, Andrew A. Houck, Jens Koch, David I. Schuster
PRX Quantum 5, 020326 (2024)
- Systematic Improvements in Transmon Qubit Coherence Enabled by Niobium Surface Encapsulation
Mustafa Bal, Akshay A. Murthy, Shaojiang Zhu, Francesco Crisa, Xinyuan You, Ziwen Huang, Tanay Roy, Jaeyel Lee, David van Zanten, Roman Pilipenko, Ivan Nekrashevich, Daniel Bafia, Yulia Krasnikova, Cameron J. Kopas, Ella O. Lachman, Duncan Miller, Josh Y. Mutus, Matthew J. Reagor, Hilal Cansizoglu, Jayss Marshall, David P. Pappas, Kim Vu, Kameshwar Yadavalli, Jin-Su Oh, Lin Zhou, Matthew J. Kramer, Dominic P. Goronzy, Carlos G. Torres-Castanedo, Graham Pritchard, Vinayak P. Dravid, James M. Rondinelli, Michael J. Bedzyk, Mark C. Hersam, John Zasadzinski, Jens Koch, James A. Sauls, Alexander Romanenko, Anna Grassellino
npj Quantum Information, Vol 10, 43 (2024)
- Optimal control of large quantum systems: assessing memory and runtime performance of GRAPE
Yunwei Lu, Sandeep Joshi, Vinh San Dinh, Jens Koch
J. Phys. Commun. 8 025002 (2024)
- Completely Positive Map for Noisy Driven Quantum Systems Derived by Keldysh Expansion
Ziwen Huang, Yunwei Lu, Anna Grassellino, Alexander Romanenko, Jens Koch, and Shaojiang Zhu
Quantum 7, 1158 (2023)
- Computer-aided quantization and numerical analysis of superconducting circuits
Sai Pavan Chitta, Tianpu Zhao, Ziwen Huang, Ian Mondragon-Shem, Jens Koch
New J. Phys. 24 103020 (2022)
- Time-Dependent Magnetic Flux in Devices for Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
Jacob Bryon, D. K. Weiss, Xinyuan You, Sara Sussman, Xanthe Croot, Ziwen Huang, Jens Koch, Andrew Houck
Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 034031 (2023)
- Simple master equations for describing driven systems subject to classical non-Markovian noise

Peter Groszkowski, Alireza Seif, Jens Koch, and Aashish A. Clerk
Quantum 7, 972 (2023)
- Fast high-fidelity gates for galvanically-coupled fluxonium qubits via strong flux modulation
Daniel K. Weiss, Helin Zhang, Chunyang Ding, Yuwei Ma, David I. Schuster, Jens Koch
PRX Quantum 3.4, 040336 (2022)
- Robust Quantum Optimal Control with Trajectory Optimization
Thomas Propson, Brian E. Jackson, Jens Koch,Zachary Manchester, David I. Schuster
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 014036 (2022)
- scqubits: a Python package for superconducting circuits
Peter Groszkowski, Jens Koch
Quantum 5, 583 (2021)
- Moving beyond the Transmon: Noise-Protected Superconducting Quantum Circuits

András Gyenis, Agustin Di Paolo, Jens Koch, Alexandre Blais, Andrew A. Houck, David I. Schuster
PRX Quantum 2, 030101 (2021)
- Variational tight-binding method for simulating large superconducting circuits
Daniel K. Weiss, Wade DeGottardi, Jens Koch, David Ferguson
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033244 (2021)
- Positive- and negative-frequency noise from an ensemble of two-level fluctuators
Xinyuan You, Aashish A. Clerk, Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013045 (2021)
- Engineering Dynamical Sweet Spots to Protect Qubits from 1/f Noise
Ziwen Huang, Pranav S. Mundada, András Gyenis, David I. Schuster, Andrew A. Houck, Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. Appl. 15, 034065 (2021)
- Protecting a Bosonic Qubit with Autonomous Quantum Error Correction

Jeffrey M. Gertler, Brian Baker, Juliang Li, Shruti Shirol, Jens Koch, Chen Wang
Nature 590, 243 (2021)
- Universal fast flux control of a coherent, low-frequency qubit
Helin Zhang, Srivatsan Chakram, Tanay Roy, Nathan Earnest, Yao Lu, Ziwen Huang, Daniel K. Weiss, Jens Koch, David I. Schuster
Phys. Rev. X 11, 011010 (2021)
- Experimental realization of an intrinsically error-protected superconducting qubit
Andras Gyenis, Pranav S. Mundada, Agustin Di Paolo, Thomas M. Hazard, Xinyuan You, David I. Schuster, Jens Koch, Alexandre Blais, Andrew A. Houck
Phys. Rev. X Quantum 2, 010339 (2021)
- Floquet-engineered enhancement of coherence times in a driven fluxonium qubit
Pranav S. Mundada, András Gyenis, Ziwen Huang, Jens Koch, Andrew A. Houck
Phys. Rev. Appl. 14, 054033 (2020)
- Low-frequency dispersion of phonons in one-dimensional chains
Benjamin T. Moy, Jens Koch, Anupam Garg
Eur. J. Phys. 41, 035801 (2020)
- Universal gates for protected superconducting qubits using optimal control
Mohamed Abdelhafez, Brian Baker, Andras Gyenis, Pranav Mundada, Andrew A. Houck, David Schuster, Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. A 101, 022321 (2020)
- Quantum control of an oscillator using a stimulated Josephson nonlinearity
Andrei Vrajitoarea, Ziwen Huang, Peter Groszkowski, Jens Koch & Andrew A. Houck
Nat. Phys. 16, 211-217 (2020)
- Spectrum and Coherence Properties of the Current-Mirror Qubit

Daniel K. Weiss, Andy C. Y. Li, D. G. Ferguson, Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. B 100, 224507 (2019)
- Circuit quantization in the presence of time-dependent external flux
Xinyuan You, J. A. Sauls, Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. B 99, 174512 (2019)
- Gradient-based optimal control of open quantum systems using quantum trajectories and automatic differentiation
Mohamed Abdelhafez, David I. Schuster, and Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. A 99, 052327 (2019)
- Control and coherence time enhancement of the 0–π qubit
Agustin Di Paolo, Arne L Grimsmo, Peter Groszkowski, Jens Koch, and Alexandre Blais
New J. Phys. 21 043002 (2019)
- Adaptive Rotating-Wave Approximation for Driven Open Quantum Systems
Brian Baker, Andy C. Y. Li, Nicholas Irons, Nathan Earnest, and Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. A 98, 052111 (2018)
- Universal stabilization of single-qubit states using a tunable coupler
Ziwen Huang, Yao Lu, Eliot Kapit, David I. Schuster, and Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. A 97, 062345 (2018)
- Coherence properties of the 0-π qubit
Peter Groszkowski, A. Di Paolo, A. L. Grimsmo, A. Blais, D. I. Schuster, A. A. Houck, and Jens Koch
New J. Phys. 20, 043053 (2018)
- Realization of a Λ system with metastable states of a capacitively-shunted fluxonium
N. Earnest, S. Chakram, Y. Lu, N. Irons, R. K. Naik, N. Leung, L. Ocola, D. A. Czaplewski, B. Baker, Jay Lawrence, Jens Koch, and D. I. Schuster
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 150504 (2018)
- Fibonacci Quasicrystals of Transmission-Line Resonators
Benjamin T. Moy
Senior Honors Thesis (2018)
- Random access quantum information processors using multimode circuit quantum electrodynamics
R. K. Naik, N. Leung, S. Chakram, Peter Groszkowski, Y. Lu, N. Earnest, D. C. McKay, Jens Koch, and D. I. Schuster
Nat. Commun. 8, 1904 (2017)
- Mapping repulsive to attractive interaction in driven–dissipative quantum systems
Andy C. Y. Li and Jens Koch
New J. Phys. 19, 115010 (2017)
- Universal Stabilization of a Parametrically Coupled Qubit
Yao Lu, S. Chakram, N. Leung, N. Earnest, R. K. Naik, Ziwen Huang, Peter Groszkowski, Eliot Kapit, Jens Koch, and David I. Schuster
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 150502 (2017)
- Speedup for quantum optimal control from automatic differentiation based on graphics processing units

Nelson Leung, Mohamed Abdelhafez, Jens Koch, and David Schuster
Phys. Rev. A 95, 042318 (2017)
- Observation of a dissipative phase transition in a one-dimensional circuit QED lattice
Mattias Fitzpatrick, Neereja M. Sundaresan, Andy C. Y. Li, Jens Koch and A. A. Houck
Phys. Rev. X 7, 011016 (2017)
- Imaging Photon Lattice States by Scanning Defect Microscopy
D. L. Underwood, W. E. Shanks, Andy C. Y. Li, Lamia Ateshian, Jens Koch and A. A. Houck
Phys. Rev. X 6, 021044 (2016)
- Resummation for Nonequilibrium Perturbation Theory and Application to Open Quantum Lattices
Andy C. Y. Li, F. Petruccione and Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. X 6, 021037 (2016)
- Nematic quantum liquid crystals of bosons in frustrated lattices

Guanyu Zhu, Jens Koch and Ivar Martin
Phys. Rev. B 93, 144508 (2016)
- Understanding degenerate ground states of a protected quantum circuit in the presence of disorder
Joshua Dempster, Bo Fu, David G. Ferguson, D. I. Schuster, and Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. B 90, 094518 (2014)
- Perturbative approach to Markovian open quantum systems
Andy C. Y. Li, F. Petruccione and Jens Koch
Sci. Rep. 4, 4887 (2014)
- Fifty years of Jaynes–Cummings physics
Andrew D. Greentree, Jens Koch and Jonas Larson
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 220201 (2013)
- Dispersive regime of the Jaynes–Cummings and Rabi lattice
Guanyu Zhu, Sebastian Schmidt and Jens Koch
New J. Phys. 15 115002 (2013)
- Asymptotic expressions for charge-matrix elements of the fluxonium circuit
Guanyu Zhu and Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. B 87, 144518 (2013)
- Circuit QED lattices: towards quantum simulation with superconducting circuits
Sebastian Schmidt and Jens Koch
Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 525, 395–412 (2013)
- Circuit QED with fluxonium qubits: theory of the dispersive regime
Guanyu Zhu, David G. Ferguson, Vladmir E. Manucharyan, and Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. B 87, 024510 (2013)
- Symmetries and collective excitations in large superconducting circuits

David G. Ferguson, A. A. Houck, and Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. X 3, 011003 (2013)
- Low-disorder microwave cavity lattices for quantum simulation with photons
D. L. Underwood, W. E. Shanks, Jens Koch, and A. A. Houck
Phys. Rev. A 86, 023837 (2012)
- On-chip quantum simulation with superconducting circuits
A. A. Houck, H. E. Türeci, and Jens Koch
Nature Phys. 8, 292–299 (2012)
- Evidence for coherent quantum phase-slips across a Josephson junction array
V. E. Manucharyan, N. A. Masluk, A. Kamal, Jens Koch, L. I. Glazman, and M. H. Devoret
Phys. Rev. B 85, 024521 (2012)
- Synthetic gauge fields and homodyne transmission in Jaynes-Cummings lattices
A. Nunnenkamp, Jens Koch, and S. M. Girvin
New J. Phys. 13, 095008 (2011)
- Effective equilibrium theory of nonequilibrium quantum transport
P. Dutt, Jens Koch, J. Han, and K. Le Hur
Ann. Phys. 326, 2963 (2011)
- Quasiparticle relaxation of superconducting qubits in the presence of flux
G. Catelani, Jens Koch, L. Frunzio, R. J. Schoelkopf, M. H. Devoret, and L. I. Glazman
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 077002 (2011)
- Time-reversal symmetry breaking in circuit-QED based photon lattices

Jens Koch, A. A. Houck, K. Le Hur, and S. M. Girvin
Phys. Rev. A 82, 043811 (2010)
- Charging effects in the inductively shunted Josephson junction
Jens Koch, V. Manucharyan, M. H. Devoret, and L. I. Glazman
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 217004 (2009)
- Coherent oscillations between classically separable quantum states of a superconducting loop
V. Manucharyan, J. Koch, M. Brink, L. I. Glazman, and M. H. Devoret
arXiv:0910.3039 (2009)
- Superfluid-Mott Insulator Transition of Light in the Jaynes-Cummings Lattice
J. Koch and K. Le Hur
Phys. Rev. A 80, 023811(2009)
- Fluxonium: Single Cooper-Pair Circuit Free of Charge Offsets
V. Manucharyan, J. Koch, L. I. Glazman, M. H. Devoret
Science 326, 113 (2009)
- Proposal for generating and detecting multi-qubit GHZ states in circuit QED
L. S. Bishop, L. Tornberg, D. Price, E. Ginossar, A. Nunnenkamp, A. A. Houck, J. M. Gambetta, J. Koch, G. Johansson, S. M. Girvin, and R. J. Schoelkopf
New J. Phys. 11, 073040(2009)
- Life after charge noise: recent results with transmon qubits
A. A. Houck, Jens Koch, M. H. Devoret, S. M. Girvin, and R. J. Schoelkopf
Quant. Inf. Proc. 8, 105 (2009) .
- Randomized benchmarking and process tomography for gate errors in a solid-state qubit
J. M. Chow, J. M. Gambetta, L. Tornberg, Jens Koch, Lev S. Bishop, A. A. Houck, B. R. Johnson, L. Frunzio, S. M. Girvin, and R. J. Schoelkopf
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 090502 (2009)
- Nonlinear response of the vacuum Rabi resonance

Lev S. Bishop, J. M. Chow, Jens Koch, A. A. Houck, M. H. Devoret, E. Thuneberg, S. M. Girvin, and R. J. Schoelkopf
Nature Physics 5, 105 (2009)
- Controlling the spontaneous emission of a superconducting transmon qubit
A. A. Houck, J. A. Schreier, B. R. Johnson, J. M. Chow, Jens Koch, J. M. Gambetta, D. I. Schuster, L. Frunzio, M. H. Devoret, S. M. Girvin, and R. J. Schoelkopf
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 080502 (2008)
- Discontinuous current-phase relations in small 1D Josephson junction arrays
Jens Koch, Karyn Le Hur
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 097007 (2008)
- Suppressing Charge Noise Decoherence in Superconducting Charge Qubits
J. A. Schreier, A. A. Houck, Jens Koch, D. I. Schuster, B. R. Johnson, J. M. Chow, J. M. Gambetta, J. Majer, L. Frunzio, M. H. Devoret, S. M. Girvin, and R. J. Schoelkopf
Phys. Rev. B 77, 180502(R) (2008)
- Coupling Superconducting Qubits via a Cavity Bus
J. Majer, J. M. Chow, J. M. Gambetta, Jens Koch, B. R. Johnson, J. A. Schreier, L. Frunzio, D. I. Schuster, A. A. Houck, A. Wallraff, A. Blais, M. H. Devoret, S. M. Girvin, and R. J. Schoelkopf
Nature 449, 443 (2007)
- Vibrational absorption sidebands in the Coulomb blockade regime
Matthias C. Lueffe, Jens Koch, Felix von Oppen
Phys. Rev. B 77, 125306 (2008)
- Charge insensitive qubit design derived from the Cooper pair box

Jens Koch, Terri M. Yu, Jay Gambetta, A. A. Houck, D. I. Schuster, J. Majer, Alexandre Blais, M. H. Devoret, S. M. Girvin, and R. J. Schoelkopf
Phys. Rev. A 76, 042319 (2007)
- Nonequilibrium charge-Kondo transport through negative-U molecules
Jens Koch, Eran Sela, Yuval Oreg, Felix von Oppen
Phys. Rev. B 75, 195402 (2007)
- Theory of the Franck-Condon blockade regime
Jens Koch, Felix von Oppen, A. V. Andreev
Phys. Rev. B 74, 205438 (2006)
- Fractional Shot Noise in the Kondo Regime
Eran Sela, Yuval Oreg, Felix von Oppen, and Jens Koch
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 086601 (2006)
- Novel quantum transport effects in single-molecule transistors
Felix von Oppen, Jens Koch
Advances in Solid State Physics 46 (Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2006)
- Pair tunneling through single molecules
Jens Koch, M.E. Raikh, and Felix von Oppen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 056803 (2006)
- Current-induced nonequilibrium vibrations in single-molecule devices
Jens Koch, Matthias Semmelhack, Felix von Oppen, and Abraham Nitzan
Phys. Rev. B 73, 155306 (2006)
- Effects of charge-dependent vibrational frequencies and anharmonicities in transport through molecules
Jens Koch, Felix von Oppen
Phys. Rev. B 72, 113308 (2005)
- Full counting statistics of strongly non-Ohmic transport through single molecules

Jens Koch, M.E. Raikh, and Felix von Oppen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 056801 (2005)
- Franck-Condon Blockade and Giant Fano Factors in Transport Through Single Molecules
Jens Koch, Felix von Oppen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 206804 (2005)
- Thermopower of Single-Molecule Devices
Jens Koch, Felix von Oppen, Yuval Oreg, and Eran Sela
Phys. Rev. B 70, 195107 (2004)