I had the pleasure of giving the Bright Spark Lecture at IS-Cambridge last month (https://www.is-cambridge2020.eng.cam.ac.uk/programme/speciallectures) and yesterday got around to creating and posting a recording for posterity. Here it is on figshare, in fully citable format. Thanks in advance for the nod if you find any of it useful in your teaching or research: […]
Category: Awards
EA2 Hangout with Hands-on Mechanics
We are running a new, totally optional activity in the Winter Quarter of the 2019-2020 academic year to support and enhance the freshmen engineering course Engineering Analysis 2 through informal discussions and hands-on activities. Students enrolled in the course can attend the EA2 Hangout to work individually or in teams to design, build, and test […]
Old News #1: Best Paper Award and Plenary Lecture, iYCEC6 and 19th ICSMGE, Seoul, Korea
Here is one from the archives–one that belongs in our archives! http://www.mccormick.northwestern.edu/civil-environmental/news/articles/2016/hambleton-best-paper.html Here are the details for the paper, which is also listed among Publications and in our Research profile: Hambleton, J.P. (2017). Earthmoving through the lens of geotechnical engineering. Proc. 6th International Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference (iYGEC6), Seoul, Korea, Sept. 17-22, (iYGEC6 Best Paper Award). engrXiv:10.17605/OSF.IO/6JCD7