Inspiring Interest in Geotechnics

I had the pleasure of giving the Bright Spark Lecture at IS-Cambridge last month ( and yesterday got around to creating and posting a recording for posterity.   Here it is on figshare, in fully citable format.  Thanks in advance for the nod if you find any of it useful in your teaching or research: […]

EA2 Hangout with Hands-on Mechanics

We are running a new, totally optional activity in the Winter Quarter of the 2019-2020 academic year to support and enhance the freshmen engineering course Engineering Analysis 2 through informal discussions and hands-on activities. Students enrolled in the course can attend the EA2 Hangout to work individually or in teams to design, build, and test […]

Old News #1: Best Paper Award and Plenary Lecture, iYCEC6 and 19th ICSMGE, Seoul, Korea

Here is one from the archives–one that belongs in our archives! Here are the details for the paper, which is also listed among Publications and in our Research profile: Hambleton, J.P. (2017). Earthmoving through the lens of geotechnical engineering. Proc. 6th International Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference (iYGEC6), Seoul, Korea, Sept. 17-22, (iYGEC6 Best Paper Award). engrXiv:10.17605/OSF.IO/6JCD7