New Lab Video

Here is the full video from Tierney Acott’s visit to the SSI-SMI Lab.  You will see Jim, Zhefei, Sae, and Sam as well as eyebrow jiggles, geomechanics, and robots.  Many thanks to Tierney and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University.     Link:

Jim and Zhefei Attend WCCM2018

Jim and Zhefei attended the 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics in New York, where they also sampled the cuisine of northwestern China. Full details: Jin, Z., and Hambleton, J. P. (2018). Simulation of the cutting process in softening and hardening soils. 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, New York City, NY, July 22-27.

18th USNCTAM with Prof. Kenichi Soga and Prof. Kristian Krabbenhoft

    Prof. Kenichi Soga and Prof. Kristian Krabbenhoft visited for our mini-symposium entitled Geomechanics Modeling and Computation (co-organized with Prof. Giuseppe Buscarnera) in the 18th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, in which Zhenhao and Zhefei gave great presentations (details below).  In the photo above, Zhefei is showing off the SSI-SMI Lab. Full details: […]