Denby, Thomas, Jeffrey Schecter, Sean Arn, Svetlin Dimov, and Matt Goldrick. (2017). Contextual Variability and Exemplar Strength in Phonotactic Learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Advance online publication. (journal; pdf)
- Steele, Ariana, Thomas Denby, Chun Chan, and Matt Goldrick. (2015). Learning non-native phonotactic constraints over the web. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Eds.) Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress on the Phonetic Sciences. (pdf)
- Denby, Thomas. The Filtering Listener: Dispersion in Exemplar Theory. Master’s Thesis. (2013). (pdf)
- Denby, Thomas, Emily Cibelli, Gia Eapen, Erin Madigan, and Matt Goldrick. Does lexical frequency affect phonetic traces in speech errors? A replication study. (2017). 2017 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC. Poster presentation. (pdf; presented by Matt Goldrick)
- Denby, Thomas and Matt Goldrick. Previous Experience Constraints Adaptation: Phonotactics and Speaker Language Background. (2017). Annual Meeting of Phonology 2017. New York, NY. Oral presentation. (pdf pptx)
- Denby, Thomas and Matt Goldrick. Why Adapt? Phonotactic Learning as Non-Native Language Adaptation. (2016). 2016 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. Oral presentation. (pdf)
- Denby, Thomas and Matt Goldrick. Phonotactic learning as adaptation to non-native speech. (2016). MidPhon 21. Michigan State University. Oral Presentation. (pdf)
- Denby, Thomas and Matt Goldrick. Variability and Strength in Gradient Phonotatcic Generalization. (2015). 2015 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. Poster presentation. (pdf)
- Denby, Thomas and Matt Goldrick. Variability and Strength in Gradient Phonotactic Acquisition. (2015). MidPhon 20. Indiana University. Oral presentation. (pdf)
- Denby, Thomas and Matt Goldrick. Abstraction and Phonetic Variability in Phonotactic Acquisition. (2015). QP Fest. Northwestern University. Oral presentation.
- Denby, Thomas, Grant McGuire, and Jaye Padgett. Speaker- Vs. Listener-Based Explanations For Dispersion Effects In Sound Change. (2014). Sound Change in Interacting Human Systems: 3rd Biennial Workshop on Sound Change. University of California, Berkeley. Poster presentation. (pdf)
- Denby, Thomas. The Filtering Listener: An Exemplar-Based Approach to Dispersion. (2013). Linguistics at Santa Cruz. University of California, Santa Cruz. Oral presentation.