Learning Under Fire

Name: Dan Finnegan Year: Junior Majors: Mathematics, Economics CFS Program: Business Field Studies Employer: Nousot Something I was warned about early on in my interview was the need to be able to learn under fire. I was told stories of new employees being put on daunting challenges in coding to try to learn quickly simply…

Picking the Right Internship

Name: Kelly Tan Year: Senior Major: Journalism Minor: Asian American Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in Social Justice Employer: Perfect Search Media I spent a lot of time interviewing for internships in the winter, hoping to get one more work experience before I graduated and got thrown into the real world. Luckily I found one and was able to learn a…

Working at Mission Measurement

Name: Gene Chen Year: Junior Major: Industrial Engineering CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities Employer:  Mission Measurement Participating in the Field Studies in Humanities class and interning at Mission Measurement has been a challenging but immensely fulfilling experience thus far. The skills I’ve been able to acquire and the people I’ve been able to meet have allowed me…

Figuring Out the Future at Sylver

Name: Michelle Valle Year: Junior Major: Economics Minors: Business Institutions, Latino and Latina Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace Employer:  Sylver Consulting I decided to do CFS because I wanted to gain more experience in consulting. I wanted to see if it was a career path I saw myself pursuing in the future. Sylver Consulting is an…

Calling a Last-Minute Audible with Arcalea

Name: Chloe Gardner Year: Senior Major: Political Science Minors: Art History, Global Health CFS Program: Business Field Studies Employer: Arcalea From the outset of my CFS internship search experience, I had a clearly outlined plan. I had identified one single company for whom I desperately wanted to work, and I had a vision of how my future would and should play…

Forecasting for Nielsen

Name: Isabel Olivos Year: Senior Majors: MMSS, Political Science CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities Employer: Nielsen This quarter, I’ve had the opportunity to intern at Nielsen in their Innovation practice area on the forecasting and activation team. I’m a senior majoring in MMSS and Political Science, and I decided to take on a full time internship during winter…

Directing Clients for Nielsen

Name: Emily Year: Junior Major(s): Communications Studies Minor(s): Business Institutions CFS Program: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace Employer: Nielsen If every time you go to the grocery store it feels like there are new products on the market—you’re not alone, and you’re probably not wrong. Consumer packaged good (CPG) retailers are constantly innovating new products, trying to create items that…