Carlee’s Internship Discoveries

Name: Carlee Year: Senior Major: Communication Studies, English CFS Concentration: Field Studies in Humanities CFS has provided me with some of the most valuable experiences during my time at Northwestern. I have been able to gain experience in a field that I was not sure about as a career path. Having never worked in publishing…

Featured Alum: Rozmin Ajanee

Name: Rozmin Ajanee CFS Concentration & Year: Business Field Studies (2009) Internship: JP Morgan Major/Minor(s): Communication Studies/ BIP, Political Science Graduation Year: 2011 Current Position: Private Equity Associate – Sterling Partners Describe your CFS internship and how it helped you either in interviews, job opportunities or graduate school applications? My CFS internship played a significant…

Helen on Week 7 of her Winter 2014 Internship

Name: Helen Junior Major: Communication Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace When I applied to the CFS program, I did so on a whim while studying abroad in the Czech Republic this past fall quarter. As you might expect, being so wrapped up in the study abroad experience can make it difficult…

Meet CFS Alum: Daniel

Name: Daniel Current Year: Senior Major: Communication Studies CFS Program: Business Field Studies [My teacher] was incredibly personable and made discussions incredibly relevant to what we went thru everyday at work. He challenged us to think outside the box and created a great class dynamic where everyone really enjoyed attending discussion…I enjoyed how genuinely invested my…

Meet CFS Alum: Veronica

Name: Veronica Class of 2013 Major: Communication Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in Civic Engagement My internship experience revolved largely around conference planning. Tasks included in conference planning consisted of inviting hundreds of students to the conference, recruiting volunteers and past Alumni to attend, planning the logistics of the event, contacting Alumni speakers and financial aid presenters, deciding…