Culture of Mentorship

Name: Jack Wan Year: Sophomore Major: Cognitive Science Minor: Business Institutions CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: NextGen Growth Partners This Fall, I worked at NextGen Growth Partners, a private equity firm based in Chicago. I would recommend CFS for all sophomores going into finance, because not only did it prepare me for behavioral &…

Uncovering Various Career Paths

Name: Ben Ramos Year: Junior Major: Cognitive Science Minor: Business Institutions CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Goldman Sachs This quarter I’ve spent my time interning in the private wealth management division of Goldman Sachs. The aspect of the internship that I have appreciated the most has been the opportunity to learn about the careers…

Rohit Studies the Effects of Sleep Loss at NASA

Name: Rohit Year: Freshman Major: Economics Minor: Cognitive Science CFS Program:  Field Studies in Business Culture My experience in CFS Business Culture has been extremely positive. The dynamic of the class is very different than previous classes I have taken, being online, so it has been interesting seeing the pros and cons of such a…

Sherry Describes Her First Day With Tom, Dick & Harry Creative

Name: Sherry Year: Sophomore Major/Minor(s): Cognitive Science/BIP, IMC CFS Concentration: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace I stepped into the office, still groggy from transitioning between a collegiate sleep schedule to a working sleep schedule. On a typical college night, I may go to bed at 4 AM and wake up at 11 AM (pretty…

Michael on Week 2 of his Winter 2014 Internship

Name: Michael Senior Major: Cognitive Science CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health This winter I have had the opportunity to intern at the Center for Healthcare Innovation. I chose this internship because it is a unique opportunity and different from any other experience I have had thus far. My work so far has made…