Featured Alum: Kiran Pookote

Name: Kiran Pookote CFS Concentration & Year:  BFS, 2009 Internship: Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Major /Minor: Economics Major, Math and Religious Studies Minors, Certificate in Financial Economics from Kellogg Graduation Year: 2011 Current Position: Civic Consulting Alliance Fellow Describe your CFS internship and how it helped you either in interviews, job opportunities or graduate school applications? My CFS…

Feautured Alum: Jess Montoya

Name: Jessica Montoya CFS Concentration & Year: Civic Engagement, Fall 2011 and Humanities, Winter 2012 Internship: Digitas and Congresswoman Schakowsky’s office Major /Minor:  Psychology/Political Science Graduation Year: 2012 Current Position: HR Coordinator at Doherty Employer Services Describe your CFS internship and how it helped you either in interviews, job opportunities or graduate school applications. My…

Featured Alum: Li Jiang

Name: Li Jiang CFS Concentration & Year: Business Field Studies, Fall 2008 Internship: Goldman Sachs Major /Minor: Economics / BIP Graduation Year: 2010 Current Position: Associate, GSV Asset Management Describe your CFS internship and how it helped you either in interviews, job opportunities or graduate school applications? I worked in the investment management division. I…

March Featured Alum: Adam Pegram

Name: Adam Pegram CFS Concentration & Year: Business Fields Studies, 2012 Internship: Shore Capital Partners Major /Minor: B.A., Economics Graduation Year: 2012 Current Position:Shore Capital Partners, Analyst  What was your internship with CFS? I interned at Shore Capital Partners during Winter Quarter of my senior year.  It was full time, and I continued to work…