Name: Surbhi
Current Year: Junior
Major: History & Math
Minor: BIP
CFS Program: Business Field Studies
I worked at an investment bank through CFS and it was the best decision I ever made. I was vacillating between consulting and banking and wanted to gain experience in either field before I entered junior year recruiting. I’m so happy I chose an investment bank because I realized that’s what I would like to do after college. The learning curve was steep and the hours were long, but for me, the good outweighed the bad. I loved pitching companies, creating presentation materials, modeling out projections, and creating internal committee memoranda. I worked in a small team, but my coworkers were super nice and always willing to answer questions. I got lunch with the VP and MD’s everyday and I felt like I was truly learning a lot. This was the best experience I could ask for and because of this experience, people take me more seriously as a sophomore wanting to pursue banking. I would highly recommend CFS for anyone who is interested in trying out a particular career field.