NU Student Succeeds in Faith-Based Internship

Name: Lindsay Adamski

Year: Senior

Major: HDSP

CFS Class: Field Studies in Business Culture

Employer: Athletes in Action

During winter quarter I had the amazing opportunity to work part time with Athletes in Action, a CRU ministry. The goal of the organization is to have a strong Christian on every team so that every student-athlete can know the saving grace of the Gospel by the time they have completed their collegiate careers. With the being said, those who work for Athletes in Action meet up with students daily in order to help those who are already strong Christians grow in their faith and answer questions for those who are seeking to understand more about Jesus. CFS has allowed me to do this and spend more time with students that I got to know when I was volunteering. My hours working for Athletes in Action are taken up by leading a team Bible study, prepping for the team Bible study, meeting up with girls to help them grow in their faith, and going to staff meetings every Friday. On Friday, all those in the Chicago area working for Athletes in Action get together to discuss what is currently going on in their ministry. We also talk about Chicago-wide events that are going on and who needs to do what for those events to be successful. Working with Athletes in Action has taught me how to lead others in their faith and be confident in my abilities. I have grown in my relationship with God as well as been able to take on more responsibility in terms of the large events that Athletes in Action host. I have learned how to organize these events and set up timelines for tasks to ensure the success of these events. I have learned how to overcome disappointment and how important it is to ask for help when you need it. I have saved so much time asking my coworkers how to do something they have done before rather than spending hours trying to figure it out by myself.