Alexis Furthers Her Experience in Healthcare

Name: Alexis

Year: Senior

Major(s): Neuroscience

CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health

CFS allows you the chance to participate in an internship, discuss your experiences with your classmates, and learn about the internship experiences of your classmates, which is an incredibly unique opportunity in itself. Not only is the structure of the organization unique in its own right, the CFS class is a one of a kind experience as well. CFS in Public Health has been an incredible experience for me. As a pre-med student, the Public Health class has been an invaluable addition to my academic experience at Northwestern because the format, topics, and readings offer a unique dimension in comparison to the other classes that I have taken. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to participate in CFS, and I would encourage everyone looking for a unique and rewarding academic experience to do the same!